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Cookbooks Are Great
4/9/2012 5:21:41 PM

Aren't cookbooks great? I am the proud owner of hundreds. Some are in my office, Lots of them are in my living room, I even have a few on the coffee table. None however are in the kitchen. Oh there is plenty of room for several but for some reason, none in my kitchen. I have an electronic device in the kitchen that holds a lot of recipes though. It looks nice in its own little corner.

I glance at my cook books occasionally I even look up a recipe or two. Just to remind me of an ingredient I need for a dish I am cooking that night for dinner. Sometimes my wife and I look at them when we are going through cleaning the house. Will stop and glance at the pictures to decide what's for dinner. Every now and then we will look for a nice dessert when we have company.

This leads me to my question. How many of us regularly use your cookbooks? Do you find it difficult or easy to follow recipes. I know some books are great for beginners and some have recipes for all degrees of cooking skills. I still find some recipes harder than others even with 37 years of cooking professionally behind me.

I have one more question. Have you ever followed a recipe. Only to have the result less than anticipated. I know baking recipes are notorious for this. At least according to my loved one.

There are cookbooks for everything imaginable. such as diet, Italian, Chinese, gourmet, soups, gravies, sandwiches and the list goes on. Even doctors have books out and some made them famous. Can you think of one or two off the top of your head. I even see their faces.

I love my cookbooks. Somehow they make me feel comfortable. They are part of the house just as my furniture is. I even consider them my friends. I find it almost heart breaking when I sell or give a few away. I said almost but not really. I hope you love your cookbooks as much as I love mine.

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