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Dennis Clairmont

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Your Webpage Popup ON Millions Of PC Screens
3/17/2012 3:54:40 AM
Hello Dennis Here with Great Software and Programs to nail that Maga Traffic to your website

First Join DirectCPV Do Not Pay anything till you Download The Free Google URL Scraper And YouTube Scraper.

I want all of you to see these tools in action before you even think of investing a dime in keyword payments.DirectCPV will only cost you pennies so don't give up this system as a lost cause till i explain how many 1000's of people will see your website and join any program you are promoting.

Ok you have a program and you've paid $$$ one time payment or your paying $$$ monthly payments with no luck finding people to join you.That really Really REALLY

Why you haven't found those referrals is simple.
Try to sell a TV to someone that is looking for Health products do you expect them to buy yout TV.Lucky if they do but the odds are bad.

Place your site right in front of the millions of people a day looking for exactly what your promoting.

This is what DIRECTCPV does.But DirectCPV on it's own is a powerful enough program but the tools and software below Jack up those URL's in 1 big bang from google and YouTube where views a day rate in the millions.

Example On An Amazon Kindle 310,524 views.If you were selling for Amazon there Kindle your site would of popped up 310,524 times and there are many 100000's of views left to go.That isn't all we can scrape not only that 1 video we can scrape all the Amazon Kindle YouTube pages.That means your website will popup when someone clicks any of those videos.


Keywords used on google are in the millions of views Google URL's are a goldmine and you can scrape with these tools google page 1 too where ever but i recommend not to go deeper than page 5.Not to many people search too deep.Your POP up on the first google pages will nail you more traffic than you can handle.

Join DirectCPV Free to Join

Keyword Targeting
Select keyword targets related to your product or service.
Terms Are Searched
A user enters relevant keywords within any search box.
Url Targeting
Select URL targets relevant to your products or services
Urls Are Visited
A user visits a website you have targeted.
Your Ad is Initiated
Your website will be displayed as a pop-up or an interstitial over the targeted website, driving the users directly to your website.

Free Google URL Scraper

Free Google Scraper Url Harvester

A tool for harvesting urls from Google. It is used by SEO's to find the footprints of social sites, web 2.0 sites and blogs where there may be potential backlinking oppurtunites. It will clean your list to unique domains and export it to text. Download Now!

Are you tired of using someone's year old list of backlink sites? Or maybe you signed up for one of those monthly backlink packs. Only now you have to wait another month to build 50 more links? Along with the thousands of other marketers who got their list at the same time. Or maybe these sites no longer work for links once you get to them because marketers before you have already spammed up the place.
I am never one to advocate spamming. Build valid links. Sign up for forums, blogs and social communities where your niche will fit and leave your mark. Only do it to the extreme.
What the FootPrint Finder does is allow you to harvest urls from Google. Let's say you want to find Wordpress blogs to comment on. Put in your keyword and "powered by Wordpress", hit the submit button and use the list of urls to start commenting or to import into your software.
For those of you using software that autosubmits your links to Pligg sites, my url harvester will help you find even more Pligg sites to submit your links to. New fresh Pligg sites.
For any query you can think of, the Footprint Finder will return a list of urls. So forget those link packs and build your own with my software.
Another trick: Find the most common username of those linkpack creators. You can see it in their PDF manuals. Then search Google for that unique username. That method will turn up a boatload of places you can use to build links to your site.
This tiny program doesn't really do much but what it does is very useful, harvest urls for any query from Google and export them to a text file. Plus. it's free. You can't beat that.

Free YOUTUBE Scraper

This tool takes a keyword and scrapes the most popular video site, YouTube, and provides you with the results. We have also included the title of the video in the results to make it quick and easy for you to decide if you want to use the URL.

You also have the ability to view each URL and select which one to send to the download file so you can easily eliminate non-relevant targets from your final list.

Now You have seen used there tools and seen what they can really do and how you can promote your webpage as a popup to millions that will place you as a super affiliate where to go from here.

GO BACK TO DIRECTCPV To Make your campaigns.Launch your programs where you will get traffic no BS No sites that do not deliver.No trying to talk everyone you run into join your programs No Hr's of work the hard way no copy/paste forever no grief.


Thank You

