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Tim Southernwood

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The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
1/4/2006 4:07:38 PM
The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork - John Maxwell 1. The Law of Significance One is too small a number to achieve greatness 2. The Law of the Big Picture The goal is more important than the role. 3. The Law of the Niche ALL players have a place where they add the most value. 4. The Law of Mount Everest As the challenge escalates, the need for teamwork elevates. 5. The Law of the Chain The strength of the team is impacted by its weakest link. 6. The Law of the Catalyst Winning teams have players who make things happen. 7. The Law of the Compass Vision gives team members direction and confidence. 8. The Law of the bad apple Rotten attitudes ruin a team. 9. The Law of Countability Teammates must be able to count on each other when it counts. 10. The Law of the Price Tag The team fails to reach its potential when it fails to pay the price. 11. The Law of the Scoreboard The team can make adjustments when it knows where it stands. 12. The Law of the Bench Great teams have great depth. 13. The Law of Identity Shared values define the team. 14. The Law of Communication Interaction fuels action. 15. The Law of the Edge The difference between two equally talented teams is leadership. 16. The Law of High Morale When you're winning, nothing hurts. 17. The Law of Dividends Investing in the team compounds over time.
Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Brad West

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Re: The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
1/7/2006 2:51:57 PM
I printed these Laws and I will keep them posted so I can view them often as a reminder. A good philosophy to apply in this arena is best described by Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922, Inventor and Teacher of the Deaf: "When one door closes another one opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." Thank You so much. Brad West
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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
3/4/2006 8:32:35 PM
Hello Tim, Thank you for this great information. This are good advices. I will have some use of them so I copied the laws. Sometimes it is good to make one step backwards to make two steps forward. Your friend Georgios
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Tim Southernwood

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Re: The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
3/6/2006 2:12:38 PM
Thanks Georgios, I'm pleased that you found this information useful. I too have them printed and near my computer for easy reference. T
Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle

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