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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/20/2018 1:54:08 PM

Lots of us can relate. ☺️☺️

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/20/2018 6:06:34 PM

Regardless of which side of the political aisle you're on, everyone should be outraged at what is being revealed about what has been going on against our country. As more and more comes to light, everyone should pay careful attention.

I knew it was bad but did not know to what degree. Many of you have probably heard about the coupe to take down our duly elected president. It started during the campaign, well before the election was held.

As a sovereign nation we were and are very close to seeing our sovereignty taken from us. If not for a few patriots who kept digging until the deep state was revealed, we were well on our way to a one world government or NWO, they were in the process of overthrowing our government and sadly I know of several who not only do not have a clue but but would gloat to see our president thrown out of office.

Please educate yourself on the facts and most of all pray like your life depended on it and be very careful what you wish for.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/20/2018 7:14:14 PM
Hi Evelyn,

It makes me sad to see how President Trump is being treated. Someone who wants to get our Constitution back to the way it was set up in the 1st place.

He has done more in one year than most president have ever done in 8 years. He said he was going to clean the swamp and he is doing it. But how many know what the swamp really is! Do they know it that swamp is a bunch of pedophiles that have done human traffic. Do they know that the human traffic is all about sex and what they do to children, how they take the body parts and use them, sell them for profit or other things that is too horrid to mention. I know I started watching a video, but I had to leave it, I was getting ill to my stomach.

You here of so many missing children during a years time that are never found............ please people wake up to what is going on around you, instead of cursing Trump pray for him to do the right things for all people. No he is not prefect, but who is? Lets get together as a nation for peace. LOVE IS THE ANSWER.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/22/2018 3:27:33 AM
Myrna, never have I seen such a degree of immense hatred for one person and the lies they tell makes me shudder. People do not do their due diligence and check the facts. My next post will be in reference to this one.

Hi Evelyn,

It makes me sad to see how President Trump is being treated. Someone who wants to get our Constitution back to the way it was set up in the 1st place.

He has done more in one year than most president have ever done in 8 years. He said he was going to clean the swamp and he is doing it. But how many know what the swamp really is! Do they know it that swamp is a bunch of pedophiles that have done human traffic. Do they know that the human traffic is all about sex and what they do to children, how they take the body parts and use them, sell them for profit or other things that is too horrid to mention. I know I started watching a video, but I had to leave it, I was getting ill to my stomach.

You here of so many missing children during a years time that are never found............ please people wake up to what is going on around you, instead of cursing Trump pray for him to do the right things for all people. No he is not prefect, but who is? Lets get together as a nation for peace. LOVE IS THE ANSWER.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/22/2018 3:33:34 AM

One of my friends shared this FB post yesterday and this is just one of the comments on that post -

"Well said and very true. The Republic's funeral was scheduled. Obama and Hillary had all these pieces in place for the final nails in the coffin. What stopped it? The for prayers of God's children and as flawed of a man he is, Donald Trump is the instrument being used to restore the America we love. Will we succeed in undoing the decades of planning to merge our country into a NWO? Sadly, probably not. People have been indoctrinated to believing evil is good, that there is no absolute truth and that your truth may not be my truth. Everyone doing what they think or feel is right in their own eye. Sadly, while God gave us a way out, I seriously doubt we will take it.
The global chess pieces continue to align exactly as God foretold in the Bible. God's Word is truth. It is not subject to ones own private interpretation. It says what it means and means what it says. Bottom line is that the curtain on this world is being drawn. It may be that we have a hundred more years but one thing is for sure... You don't! Pick a side. Jesus Christ or Lucifer. Choose wisely!"

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Regardless of which side of the political aisle you're on, everyone should be outraged at what is being revealed about what has been going on against our country. As more and more comes to light, everyone should pay careful attention.

I knew it was bad but did not know to what degree. Many of you have probably heard about the coupe to take down our duly elected president. It started during the campaign, well before the election was held.

As a sovereign nation we were and are very close to seeing our sovereignty taken from us. If not for a few patriots who kept digging until the deep state was revealed, we were well on our way to a one world government or NWO, they were in the process of overthrowing our government and sadly I know of several who not only do not have a clue but but would gloat to see our president thrown out of office.

Please educate yourself on the facts and most of all pray like your life depended on it and be very careful what you wish for.