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RGCSL Daily Insights – The Mental Equivalent…
11/17/2011 1:05:24 PM

RGCSL Daily Insights

Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM

Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought

We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.

Return each day to RGCSL Daily Insights
You will find a new and wonderful insight!

The insight for today:


"Question—What exactly do people mean when they say that your demonstration can only be equal to the mental equivalent embodied in your desire?

ANSWER-A demonstration, like anything else in the objective life, is born out of a mental concept. The Mind is the fashioning factor, and according to its range, vision, and positiveness, is the circumstance or experience. For example: If a person can see only unloveliness in others, it is because unloveliness is a strong element in himself. The light he throws on others is generated in his own soul and he sees them as he chooses to see them. He holds constantly in his mind a mental equivalent of unloveliness and creates unlovely reactions toward himself. He is getting back what he is sending out. If a man believes himself to be a failure, and that it is useless for him to try to be anything else, he carries with him constantly the mental equivalent of failure. So he succeeds in being a failure, according to the law. That is his demonstration.Having a strong picture, or mental concept, of that which we desire, and holding to that mental equivalent regardless of circumstances or conditions, we must sooner or later manifest according to the concept. For in time the conception comes, through evolution and law, to the moment of birth, (page 48) or projection into the objective world."

"Such is the way of Nature. Such is the law of all creation."

"I operates simply by speaking"

– Ernest Holmes

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