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Doug Woodall

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Why Do You Really Need A Firewall?
1/1/2006 10:31:35 PM
Why Do You Really Need A Firewall? Together with antivirus and antispyware, it is a "must" to protect your PC. Firewalls protect you from many Internet hazards. Be alert, the bad guys can get pretty creative at what they are launching. Here are some rather frightening examples of what might be coming your way. But remember as with all antimalware, your protection is totally based on your own diligence, and that is why firewalls are so important because they do protect your computer. Here are some examples: Remote login - Allows someone to connect to your computer and control it, look at files and run programs Backdoors - Some programs you may have downloaded could have hidden features that allow for remote access. Many others contain bugs that allow outside control of your PC Mail hijacking - Taking over your contact list and using your computer to send out spam. Now you just might think, Windows XP has a firewall, why don't I just use that? Good idea but you need more oomph. The firewall built into Windows XP could be called 'firewall lite'. It's pretty bare bones. For instance, it does not block outgoing traffic! In other words, it allows your confidential information straight out to the Internet (you get what you pay for). Utilizing a full personal firewall gives you a lot more control and defensive fire power.
Doug Woodall SpywareBiz,,,We take the Spy out of Spyware! Providing Free Information and Recommended Products to Combat Spyware.
Re: Why Do You Really Need A Firewall?
1/2/2006 5:32:37 AM
Great tips Doug. It's too bad that so many people have to experience a virus or complete crash before they will protect their systems. If you just look around Adland you will see examples of what can happen. A few well known people in our comunity lost their computers last month. This month we are already being told about a major trojan that will activate on the 5th. It's time for people to forget the " it won't happen to me" attitude. If your computer is not properly protected you WILL get a virus, spyware, hacked, or have your ID stolen. It's not worth the risk!
Craftie Linda

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Re: Why Do You Really Need A Firewall?
1/2/2006 5:58:29 AM
Doug Thanks for the invite For your information Happy New Year Follow the link for something exciting. Please do not miss out on this amazing buisness adventure. Linda
Cheri Merz

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Re: Why Do You Really Need A Firewall?
1/2/2006 12:16:29 PM
Doug, One of the reasons I have resisted finding out about firewalls is that I'm under the impression they limit your access to the internet. I'd be happy to learn a lot more about them. Not only your forums but other things I read on the internet lead me to believe I'm seriously at risk, but I just don't know enough to take any action, much less select the right one for me. All the articles I read are way over my head with tech-speak. What should I do? Cheri
Doug Woodall

199 Posts
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Re: Why Do You Really Need A Firewall?
1/2/2006 2:17:15 PM
Hi Cheri, Its sad but Firewalls have become the norm nowadays. They are part of what I call "The 3 Amigos" Anti Virus, Anti Spyware, and a Firewall ! I sell a couple of em at my Site, these are software firewalls. Hardware Firewalls were the norm for many years if you were running a Network or a Server. Now you can get some excellent Software Firewalls. My Fav is Sygate. Unfortunately Symantec bought em and I think heard they are not planning on offering any updates for it now. Another Big biz gobbling up a smaller one! Ive heard great reviews about Kerio I plan on selling it at my site as soon as I get the OK The Basic definition of a Firewall is, it helps control how your computer exchanges data with other computers on the Internet or local network. Hope this helps.
Doug Woodall SpywareBiz,,,We take the Spy out of Spyware! Providing Free Information and Recommended Products to Combat Spyware.