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Let's Talk About Love Baby...
7/9/2011 6:04:10 PM

What Kinds of Love Have You Experienced?
  • Eros – this is that passionate love that usually involves sexual feelings for a love interest.
  • Companionship - feelings of warmth towards a friend with whom you love to spend time
  • Agape / Unconditional Love – the kind of affection and caring that is so strong that you feel it consistently, regardless of what that other person does.
  • Conditional Love – is the love that requires specific action or conditions in order to be maintained. For example, at its extreme, a parent who gives very conditional love would only love his child when he gets straight A’s, becomes a surgeon and has two children. The love is based on outside conditions and when they do not occur, the love is withdrawn.
  • Puppy Love – is the childish, innocent temporary crush on someone that you don’t know well.
  • Storge – this is the love found in families between the different members. It is the love of mother, father, brothers and sisters. This is a much stronger type of love and involves commitment. “Blood is thicker than water” and most people will do all they can to stand behind their families.
  • Maternal Love - This term usually connotes love that is nurturing, accepting and protective. In actuality this love can also be given by a father etc.
  • Paternal Love - This implies to love that involves guidance and some authority. Paternal love usually prepares a child to be ready for the outside world. This kind of love is not gender specific.
  • Infatuation - loving feelings towards a love object that are largely based upon fantasy and idealization (instead of experience). Often when partners get to know each other, infatuation diminishes.
  • Epithumia / Romantic Love - the steadfast love for a partner with whom you feel passion, attraction, caring and respect.
  • Soul-mate Love – this is the kind of love that is described as a love that has survived multiple life times.
  • Spiritual/Divine Love – this is the kind of love that recognizes the Divine light in everyone and everything. Love is given to everyone as an act of loving the universe. Namaskar!
  • Patriotism or Love of one’s country - this is the love for the place where you live or the place where you were born. It is a type of loyalty and a special feeling of belonging that you attribute to that specific geographic location.
  • Self-Love (Self esteem and self efficacy) - this is that positive feeling that you have about who you are and what you deserve. It often is expressed by treating yourself well, respecting yourself, wanting yourself to be happy and expecting others to respect you too.
  • Philia / Brotherly Love - this terminology refers to the feeling of love for your neighbour, because all humanity is considered to be part of a larger family of human beings. This is the cherishing kind…
  • Tough Love - this is used to describe a love that is expressed by setting boundaries for the good of the other person. So for example, a parent may send their teenager to rehab if he is drug addicted, even if he does not want to go. They feel that this is an act of love because it stems from a desire for their son’s ultimate good and happiness.
In Love and Mastery, Kimberleigh Matthews Everyday in Every Way - Getting Better and Better! We Fall Down and We Get Up and Keep Going!! Life is a Phenomenal Trip!

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