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Some of the best Internet Marketing Tools are free!
3/12/2011 2:03:47 AM
The following tools are great and Free! I have used almost all of them.
  • BlinkWeb: Create a Free website or blog with ease using this tool.
  • Google Analytics: A great tool for analyzing your website traffic and marketing effectiveness. It is free and easy to use.
  • Google Docs: Create and share documents, presentations, spreadsheets and even convert them to PDFs.
  • Google Reader: Keep up with all of your favorite blogs with ease!
  • Jing: Jing is a great tool that allows you to do screen captures and record what is happening on your screen (i.e. a Power Point presentation). It is limited to 5 minutes. If you pay a small annual fee ($14.95), you can have Jing Pro.
  • KompoZer: Want to create a website but are not sure how to use HTML or other Web Coding? Take a look at KompoZer to see if it will meet your needs.
  • OpenOffice.Org: Have access to free word processing, spread sheets, presentations and databases. You can use it for free for any purpose.
  • Skype: There are several free services on Skype. Instant messaging, Free Conference Calls, Free Video Calling, and Free Skype to Skype calls. It is a great way to stay connected to your team.
  • UStream: A free live broadcasting site. You can broadcast live to an unlimited number of people. You can also interact with your audience as well.

Cheryl Lydston



I teach people step by step, how to increase their income


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