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Tips for better health
9/10/2010 6:58:33 PM
How important is your health, Adult Stem Cells are your bodies own repair and renewal system for all cells, be they organ cells, tissue cells or any cells of the body
Stemenhance, the worlds only scientifically proven, patented natural organic adult stem cell enhancer that assist the release of extra adult stem cells to help your body recover quicker from damage, replacement or just recovery from strenuous activities such as sport
We have been taking Stemenhance for 11months and the benefits are just amazing
We can give you the same opportunity, the details of which are on our website and you can begin the benefits of Stemenhance

Thank You
Frank Craig
+64 6 379 8328
Health Wealth & Happiness
John Priestley

481 Posts
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RE: Tips for better health
9/11/2010 8:53:12 PM
Hi Frank,

Is this a free site or do you have to pay anything. Sounds like you have to promote a product. Does that mean having to buy it first? Please share.

Best regards and looking forward to hearing from you soon, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
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