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Joelees Wholesale

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depression or recession
7/12/2010 7:57:38 PM
Wow after comparing reports from last yr to this year , I have no idea how anyone can say the economy is recovery as my stats show it is only holding its own this yr as in the past each year has shown growth are we heading in a downward spin into a deeper depression or recession ? ..
RE: depression or recession
7/12/2010 8:59:43 PM

Lee, sorry to not have a more positive reply but we are seeing the economy going down all around us. Small businesses can barely keep their heads above water. Some of them will sink right here in Burlington.

There are NO JOBS to be found and even if a person finds one, they get treated like morons by morons who have no business being in mangement of anything!

I really feel for those who are out looking for employment.


Joelees Wholesale

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RE: depression or recession
7/12/2010 9:37:19 PM


I know what you mean book smart is what the world has come to these days and most who only know what a book teaches realy are very hard to work with or for, as they become close minded to know understand common sense of business ...sad but true worst the degrees a company wants on thier company portfolio they longer are willing to pay for but with the same pay scale as a highschool student 2 yrs ago ... we just have to keep focus on the goal and hope we all come out of this "Change" for the better Gods speed :-) Lee


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