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Sarah Pritchard

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Finish my sentence :-----
7/11/2010 3:15:01 PM


Finish my sentence :-----

Someone leaves part of a sentence and the next person has to finish it.

It can be funny, serious or whatever but keep it clean please!

Then they must leave a sentence for the next person.

For example: The best invention was.................. the internet.

I'll start with:

I couldn't live without .........

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Pauline Raina

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RE: Finish my sentence :-----
7/11/2010 3:26:49 PM

Way to go Sarah, I'm so happy you did this.....I'm going to give this a try lol

I couldn't live without? AIR !!

You have to be strong in order to..............

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Finish my sentence :-----
7/11/2010 4:20:57 PM

I couldn't live without? AIR !!

You have to be strong in order to survive a Russian winter.

Travel south if you wish ...........................................

(Great fun Sarah)

Karen Gigikos

1410 Posts
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RE: Finish my sentence :-----
7/12/2010 2:26:47 AM
Travel south if you wish ...........................................
to have a warm summer!
Go home to have a
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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Finish my sentence :-----
7/12/2010 6:48:11 AM

Go home to have a slice of mothers cake.

Rememember, always.................................


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