Donggeun Yoo
Thank very much!
I am very happy to be POTW.
Iam a Korean,and 61 years old.
I am an adherent of Wonbuddhism.
Won-Buddhism is the religion, which gives hope to the world by providing a balance between spiritual and material life.
The name Won-Buddhism, Won-bul-gyo in Korean, is a compound of words signifying truth, enlightenment and teaching: Won means unitary circle and symbolizes the ultimate truth. Bul means to enlighten to the truth, and Kyo means to teach the Truth. Therefore, Won-Buddhism is a religion that teaches and enlightens to the truth and how to carry it out in daily life.
If you interest in Wonbuddhism,
Please visit
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Congratulations Donggeun,
Enjoy your time as the 238th Person of the Week. It is well deserved.