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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/14/2019 7:34:47 PM

Natalie Glasson ~ Love and the Higher Levels of Creation by Archangel Raphael

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

I extend my angelic love to greet you, I am Archangel Raphael. I wish to come forth to continue the conversation and communication ofArchangel Gabriel by speaking of the presence of love; the love of the Creator. Archangel Gabriel emphasised the importance of connecting with the source of love within your being, embodying this love and radiating it into the world to create love in action. By achieving this you will be transported to experience the next level of love consciousness available to you, while supporting the Earth in doing the same. Thus, a new conscious awareness born from the essence of your being will manifest. As it weaves its way into the fabric and rhythm of life on the Earth so transformation will take place.

It is time for you to trace your love until you find its core and essence, then rest within that.

I invite you to take a few deep breathes and let your awareness guide you deeper and deeper into your inner space of love. Take time to explore and experience your inner core and essence of love.

It is often in my experience that many perceive they already understand the love of the Creator and the presence of love within their beings. This is to neglect the power of love and the transformation love in action can create. I, Archangel Raphael, invite you to trace or explore the love source within your being as if you have no previous understanding of love. In doing so you will let go of your current belief systems concerning love and allow for new awareness to dawn. There is so much more to understand about the love of the Creator, sometimes a belief that you already understand love can block your further connection and embodiment of love. Ensure you take time to contemplate the presence of love within you from an open mind and heart.

Higher Levels of Creation

When you explore the presence of love within your being with its different and diverse levels of vibration, you open yourself up to new divine experiences and connections. The higher levels of creation within the Universe of the Creator are attracted to you and make you aware of your unified connections with the higher levels of creation. As you explore the magnificent love present within your being, so the higher levels of creation and higher beings of creation begin to act as mirrors for you to recognise the truth of the Creator. Thus, you enter into or remember your contract of creating the divine with the Universe of the Creator/ Higher Levels of Creation.

This may signify that many beings such as Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels and so forth, may come forth to share space and time with you. They will be present to act as a mirror for you to recognise the truth of the Creator. That which you recognise within them will be present within you. Inhale deeply, as you exhale allow any appropriate higher being of creation to come forth to greet you. Be open to receive what is necessary to aid your ascension and unification with the Creator.

As the higher levels of creation mirror to you all that is the divine Creator it is as if you are gazing into the heart of the Creator recognising unity, harmony, integration and, of course, love. This is a very powerful aspect of ascension. Imagine for a moment you are submerged and surrounded in the most profound and magnificent love from your core. The higher levels of creation act as a mirror for you to gaze into and through. Thus, you are recognising all that you are, as well as all that is the Creator. With a greater awareness of all that is the Creator you have the opportunity to create whatever you feel guided to manifest, using the energy of the Creator as your fuel for manifestation. What would you create?

Now recognise that through your experience, your mind, heart and entire being would have expanded, pulsating and vibrating with love. What would you manifest and create from a space of deep expansion and grounding in love to serve yourself and all that is the Creator?

These questions and explorations into the higher levels of love merging with your being allow you to view yourself and reality on the Earth with a new light and understanding. Empowerment of your divinity would be the outcome as well as the empowerment of others.

Does it feel appropriate to dedicate yourself to exploring the presence of love within you knowing that it will result in experiences of co-creation with higher levels of creation? What would love do through you and what would be created?

Divine Mirror

When in the space of love, you open yourself up to view the divine mirror of the Creator, therefore you see, sense and acknowledge yourself as your truth and the truth of the Creator. This is a beautiful opportunity to expand your spiritual understanding and knowledge about yourself as a divine being, your sacred skills and inner guidance. There are opportunities to view emotional, mental, physical and even spiritual wounds, unfolding and healing them on numerous levels. False beliefs, misunderstandings and limitations can all be released and healed. This all creates a very profound experience which may feel like a miracle; it is to see yourself as the Creator sees you. Imagine you saw yourself as the Creator views you, everything within you would transform, you would never look at yourself or think about yourself in the same way again. You would perceive that anything is possible; that you can create and do anything you feel guided to do. The greatest result would be you would experience freedom, freedom to be the Creator on the Earth, freedom within all aspects of your being to empower freedom within others.

Invocation for Freedom

‘Love is my divine Creator power, truth, creations, intention, intuition and vibration. Love is my sacred and eternal bridge of connection, attunement and oneness with the Creator. Love is my tool for awakening, peace, ascension, mastery and freedom as I exist on the Earth. Love will fully heal my beings and the Earth completely. I allow love to be a healing vibration that transforms my being, opening my heart to experience the complete and absolute love of the Creator. I acknowledge that my heart chakras devotion to love will allow me to follow the appropriate spiritual pathways for my current spiritual growth process, guiding me with clarity to mastery and complete attunement with the Creator. I recognise I am deserving of experiencing the love of the Creator transmitted to and from my being in all forms and sacred ways. I am more than worthy and completely attuned to experiencing and embodying divine and sacred unconditional love now.

As I allow myself to transform into the natural embodiment of love that I am, I open myself up to work with the higher levels and beings of creation. I gaze into the mirror of the higher levels of creation so I may see all that I am as the Creator. I use love as a fuel to create all that my soul wishes to manifest. I awaken myself to a beautiful miracle of healing as I embrace freedom within my being and reality, guided and assisted by the Creator with every realisation and truth I reveal to myself. Archangel Raphael, please support me as I move through this powerful journey of unification with the Creator’s presence of love. I am love in all its truth. Thank you.’

In sacred love eternally,

Archangel Raphael

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2019 12:38:06 AM

GFP Newsletter - 9/13/2019

will's picture

If you can go deeply into lovemaking, the ego disappears. That is the beauty of lovemaking, that it is another source of a glimpse of God -- just like deep sleep but far more valuable, because in deep sleep you will be unconscious. In lovemaking you will be conscious -- conscious yet without the mind. Hence the great science of Tantra became possible.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2019 1:01:30 AM

Archangel Michael: Course Correct and Begin Again

In the course of researching lightworker leadership, I came across this plea from 2016 from Archangel Michael for lightworker unity. It was never more timely and I repost it.

Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 22, 2016.

The Mother’s penetration of her legions continues. There is no room for that which is not of honour, truth, kindness and consideration.

This separation in what has been called the lightworker/loveholder community needs to cease. You are too few. Yes, you are mighty. Yes, you bring forth clarity.

And you have claimed the freedom to step forward, sometimes as participants, sometimes as creators, and sometimes as observers. And of course all three roles are exactly the same. And while we’re at it let’s throw in stewardship and leadership and wayshower.

You have toiled. You have been persistent. You have been patient. You have been forthright.

You have steadied each other upon this path of righteousness, of discovery, of adventure, of doing upon this planet of Gaia what has never been done before.

While you are mighty, while you are committed, the separation between pathways needs to be healed. I am not talking about individual situations necessarily.

While there is always room, and it is part of the glory of freedom, for different perspectives, opinions, understandings, pathways, adventures, expressions, there is only one truth. Many expressions, many ways of reaching homeward but there is only one truth. …

So when there are these separations between lightworkers that are not of love and not the expression or experience of love, then what you are doing is practising self-defeating behaviours and actions that only diminish you being in clear partnership, not only with us, but with each other.

You are our partners, our boots on the ground. You are the fulfilment of the Mother’s dream and the Mother’s promise. That can never be achieved by backbiting or naysaying or trying in any way to diminish the work of one another.

So yes, dear Steve, I am using you and this time to speak out and to call out to all lightworkers to unite in heart. Each of you has a very unique pathway, a very unique mission and purpose.

So for example, there are many communicators: Each of you has a different expression and way of getting at it. There are many healers: Each of you has a different way of going about it.

The point is at the start, the middle, and the finish, the way in which your mission is conducted must be of integrity and love. It must be that quest and that anchoring of peace and truth. That is Nova Being and Nova Earth.

There is room for variation within but that is the foundation and the roof. How you decorate the house is up to you. But it must be decorated in beauty, in wonder, in awe, in humility and in kindness.

So I call to all of you, to unite in purpose, not only to passively receive the energies that the Mother and her legions are sending you, but as one force (and I do not mean violence), one mighty wave declaring and living, passively and actively, this truth of love.

You are the wayshowers. You are the pathfinders. You are the pillars and the portals and everything in between. When you stand in that role, when you sit or fly in that role, you are doing your mission and purpose.

You are fulfilling your plan within the Mother’s Plan.

Let us be clear, you all proceed together as one family of Gaia, as one circle. Repeatedly we have said there is no hierarchy.

You, like us, are all servants of the One. There is no pecking order. It is in equality and unity of heart and love that we proceed together.

So I ask you, I beg you, to remember this. Examine where you are standing, sitting, lying and, if you have veered, if you have detoured, come back to your heart where the truth reigns.

It does not need, in any way shape or form, to be a public pronouncement but within your heart, course correct and begin again.

Archangel Michael/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2019 1:35:57 AM

Friday, September 6, 2019

Transmutation Back to SELF


The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

A new world is coming, but the old world has not come into it’s ending. Therefore, there are two realities, or perhaps many more, that are learning to coexist within this NOW. Therefore, the new and the old are rising and ending within the same NOW.

Eventually the past and the future will meet within the NOW of the ONE of your fifth dimensional consciousness. Fifth dimensional consciousness is not longer burdened with the past or the future, as there is ONLY the NOW of the ONE.

“What is the Now of the ONE?” we hear you ask. We understand that it is difficult to understand the “Timeless NOW” or the “Unified ONE”, as your third dimensional human incarnation has likely made you forget many of the innate skills and emotions that are normal within your fifth dimensional and beyond SELF.

Within humanities growing “sense of the NOW,” the past and the future are learning to be friends, or at least, they are learning how to co-exist. This co-existence can only be perceived by those who are feeling, responding to, and documenting the silent inner call that tugs at their heart and mind.

Yes, your third, and even your fourth, dimensional consciousness is addicted to “time.” Time gives you a beginning, which you can call on to come into your consciousness, or an ending in which you can forget that which you are not sure you are ready to know.

It is primarily within one’s deepest meditations and/or during a dream remembered that humanity is beginning to feel that which they cannot see or hear via their third dimensional earth vessel.

While you are wearing a human earth vessel, many of your innate, fifth dimensional senses, desires, memories and feelings are lost in the hustle and bustle of your third dimensional life. You were told before you took your current earth vessel that you would likely forget your higher dimensional reality while wearing that vessel.

However, you forgot that message in the same manner that you forgot many of your other fifth dimensional messages and experiences. The reason why you “forgot,” is that your third dimensional consciousness is unable to process messages that have a resonance of the higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequency.

This situation was not a mistake in any manner, as we, your Galactic Family, knew when we sent you off on your “Earth Mission,” that if you were to “come out” as your true, Galactic Self, that it would frighten the third dimensionals.

By “third dimensionals” we mean the beings that resonate to the frequency of the third dimensional, physical reality. We, your Galactic Family, are careful to give you as much information about being, or returning a third dimensional vessel that lives within the limitations, illusions and many conflicting emotions of wearing a third dimensional form.

We say third dimensional “form” as you may choose to NOT take the form of a human being. There are other beings, such as horses and dogs, who have many of the same emotions of humans, but they are not faced with many the challenges of humans such as greed, avarice, competition, loneliness and selfishness.

Humans do have may skills that animals do not have, but just as the animal kingdom is faced with harm from humans, humans are faced with harm from humans. Why is it that humans harm other humans? We, your Galactic Family, have also pondered this question.

What we have come to is that, whereas animals, plants, and other members of Gaia’s planetary reality, live without the sense of separation from Source. In fact, most of Gaia’s Nature Beings live within the ONE of the NOW.

Yes, it is true that animals fight with each other, attack each other, and even eat each other, they remain connected to the flow of Gaia’s needs. Animals would not take all the water away from other animals, or kill another being because the were angry.

Animals live within the Flow of the ONE in that all beings have taken a form in order to participate with the creation of life on planet Earth. In fact, most of the humans on Gaia have also chosen to take an earth vessel so that they can experience the “time” and “space” of Earth.

Time and Space becomes inter-twined within the fourth dimension and are merged into the ONE within the fifth dimension. It is in the third dimensional frequency of Gaia that separation, power over others, greed, avarice, wars, and destruction of Gaia’s body occur.

Why is it that the beings, humanity, who were meant to be the most evolved beings on Gaia have become the most destructions beings to Gaia’s planetary body? It is to find the answer to this question that we Galactics came from the fourth, fifth and beyond dimensions to discover how we could protect Gaia.

Perhaps, humans have not cherished Gaia because they are not yet aware that Gaia’s Earth will ascend back into the higher frequencies of reality from which She came? Perhaps, it is because too many humans have been too deeply influenced by the Dark Ones who also came to Gaia’s planet to hold the polarity of darkness and power over others.

Gaia’s initial intension (as planets are living beings) was to be a living example of the process of ascension. The “process of ascension” is when the frequency of any person, place, area, and/or planet expands their energy pattern to resonate to the frequency of the fifth dimension.

The third dimension is Gaia’s lowest energy field, and unfortunately, it is the energy field to which most of Gaia’s humans resonate. On the other hand, the actual body of Gaia’s planet, as well as all the plants, animals, insects and other beings, resonates to differing frequencies beyond the third dimension.

Many, in fact, more and more third dimensional humans, are remembering their own Higher Expressions of Selfand are expanding the frequency of consciousness to encompass the fourth, fifth, and even beyond dimensions of reality.

However, those who have expanded their consciousness to encompass the higher dimensions have also needed to hide that awareness from the forces of darkness. These “forces of darkness,” are often in high positions and are often difficult to ignore.

We, your Galactic Family, remind you again that the darkest night is just before dawn. Therefore, do not loose faith in the higher frequency messages that you are receiving. You may choose to keep them to your self, share them with a few and/or share them with many.

We, your Galactic Family, invite you to join us during our regular meetings that we provide on our Starships for our brave warriors to Gaia. If you wish to join these fifth dimensional meetings, fill your heart with Unconditional Love and your mind with confidence.

YOU are, indeed, receiving higher dimensional messages, but not all of you can remember these messages – YET. It will likely take a while for many of you to know that you CAN and DESERVE to communicate with your fourth, fifth and beyond Galactic Family.

You will likely feel us first in your Open Heart. Then, as you allow yourself to remember what that Unconditional Loving feeling means to you, you will begin to receive personal messages. We ask that you instantly document these messages as it is difficult for your third dimensional brain to retain a higher dimensional message.

It is for this reason that we ask you to write down what you have received. Eventually, you will feel secure enough to share you messages with others. You can share these messages in any manner that you wish.

You can write them, draw pictures about then, write music or songs about them, dance to the feel of these messages, as well as in whatever manner your heart and mind can merge into the unification of Oneness with all the aspects of your Multidimensional SELF.

It is vital that you know that there is not right or wrong way to communication inter-dimensionally. YOU way, your manner of communication, is perfect for you. However, we do recommend that you document these message in some manner, such as writing, singing, dancing, drawing, creating a video, or whatever manner that you most enjoy.

If you enjoy your process of Interdimensional Communication, you will put aside certain times and places in which you feel the most inspiration and connection with your own, other, “Inter-dimensional Expressions of SELF.”

We suggest that you meditate, dream about, draw, sing, hike, to the FEELING of your own “Inter-Dimension SELF.” It is in these creative manners that you will begin to fall into, merge with, become ONE with your own Higher Dimensional SELF.

Please remember again and again, that there is NO right way. There is ONLY Your Way.

By allowing your self to connect with and take full credit of being your SELF, you will begin to remember more and more about your own higher dimensional expressions of SELF.

Allow your “imagination,” which is your FIFTH DIMENSIONAL THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS to take you into the YOU that you have always been, but forgot. We, your Galactic Family in the higher dimensions of reality, have been watching over you, our brave expressions of SELF who have volunteered to take a earth vessel during this critical time of Gaia’s “process of ascension.”

Just as it is difficult for many of the humans on Gaia’s planet to allow, as well as openly engage in, the process of transmutation BACK to SELF, it is also very difficult for Gaia to transmute Her Planetary SELF back into Her innate frequencies of the fifth dimension and beyond.

We, the members of your Galactic Family, are aware that some, in fact too many, of those wearing an human earth vessel may not be able to transmute their consciousness, and hence their bodily form, into the frequency of the fifth dimension.

However, those who wish to help others with this transmutation, will enter the collective of those who are participating in the process of Gaia’s Planetary Ascension. Please remember that the love and dedication that you give out towards Planetary Ascension, will return to you three-fold.

There are still many “laggards” as well call them, who are beings wearing an earthly form, who are still working for the forces of darkness and power over others. We remind you how the Ascended Masters in your human history all went though the process of releasing ALL personal desires and giving of themselves to the ONE.

If you look at the lives of the Ascended Masters you will see that there is no right way or wrong way. In fact, it is up to each being to find “their way” to assist with Planetary Ascension. One thing that the Ascended Masters have in common is that they released the need to GET and lived within the desire and dedication to GIVE.

Earth is a very diverse planet with many different life forms. Hence, there are many different Paths to Ascension that each of the many different beings walk. We say “beings” rather than humans, as ALL the many versions of living beings on Gaia can, and will, discover their own manner of “ascending/returning” to their innate Higher Dimensional expression of their Multidimensional SELF.

Love and Light will guide the way for all who have chosen to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension. There will be some, if not many, that wish only to ascend themselves, or only ascend certain humans or certain places.

We, the Arcturians, say in closing that Planetary Ascension is NOT something that you can “get for our self.” Planetary Ascension is something that YOU have chosen to create by Becoming ONE with Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants.

Yes, there are some who will work against Planetary Ascension and/or only want certain people or places to ascend. These ones have chosen to put their personal needs before the needs of dear Gaia and Her inhabitants.

Ascension is a process of Energy Out equal Energy Back. As Gaia expands Her frequency of resonance into higher and higher dimensions of reality, each being will connect with the resonance of their own thoughts and emotions.

Therefore, what they hold inside of themselves is what will be projected out as their reality. In fact, what you hold inside is what you create in your life with your every thought and breath. If you love yourself and project that inner love out into your reality, you will experience a reality of yourself and for others.

When a person thinks not just of themselves, but for their entire Mother Earth, their thoughts of love and light will go out to others and into Gaia’s Planetary Body.

What if 50% of humanity sent out thoughts of love and light into Gaia?
What if 75% of humanity sent out thoughts and love and light into Gaia?

What if YOU, the ones who read this message, sent out thoughts of Love and Light to Gaia?

We, the Arcturians, invite YOU to send out love and Light to Gaia!

Thank you in advance for your Gift to Gaia.

The Arcturians, and the Many members of your Galactic Family,

Send YOU Love and Light from our Higher Dimensions of reality.

We ask that you share that gift with others, and with Gaia!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2019 2:04:10 AM

Opening Up to E.T. Energies & Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Opening Up to E.T. Energies & Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton channeler


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been excited for quite some time about sharing with you the following transmission. We have been able to detect a huge uptick in the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, and we know that this is happening because you all have been far more open than ever before to receiving the energies that are coming from the other parts of the galaxy. The openness of humanity to extra-terrestrial energies has never been stronger or wider. We observe how many are taking contact for themselves very seriously, and we also observe how many of your physical extra-terrestrial friends are making their way into your lives, making their presence known to you.

And then of course there’s the extra-terrestrial energy that comes from collectives like ourselves. We do have that Arcturian energy that we provide, even though you are not going to see us appearing in physical form, appearing in front of you. The openness that you have to extra-terrestrial contact must of course be a sign of the evolution of your consciousness because the idea that there are other beings out there with more advanced technology than you all have could be quite frightening. You have all seen the science fiction movies about the invasion by this or that e.t. group. The reptilians have earned their reputation throughout the history of Earth and humankind on Earth.

And yet, there you are, ready and open to receive from your e.t. brothers and sisters, and most of you do not see us as the saviors of humanity. Most of you are levelheaded enough to know that we cannot be your saviors. We must allow you to choose to be empowered, to not be under anyone else’s control, and to not allow yourselves to be manipulated. That is a choice, even if it seems like you didn’t choose it from your egoic perspective. You did choose to come to this world and incarnate in this dimension so that you could break free from those chains of oppression, know who you really are, empower yourselves, and take your rightful seat at the galactic table.

The fact that there are so many of you who are looking to do exactly what we are talking about here without an organized religion telling you that this is the overall goal is incredibly encouraging to us. You don’t have a pope telling you what to believe and what you are all striving for, and yet, there you all are, coming to the same conclusions. How did you do it? You got quiet. You meditated. You went within yourselves, and you found the truth, and you found that desire to be a part of something bigger. And you can rest assured that you are and your will be.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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