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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2015 6:47:18 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: Humanity Is Demanding to Know the Truth…

Jesus postingHumanity is Demanding to Know the Truth, Humanity is Demanding Change, and Humanity is Being Heard!

John’s audio reading is available here.

We in the spiritual realms are very much aware of your restlessness as you wait hopefully, intending to be patient, for humanity’s awakening.

We are also very aware of your doubts about the Divine Plan as the media continue to report seemingly endlessly about further groups of people all across the world undergoing intense suffering, while nothing appears to be happening to relieve the suffering that so many are already undergoing, and have been undergoing for such a long time.

What is occurring across the world is truly the climax that is leading to the release of humanity’s ancient karmic inheritance, a release that is an essential aspect of your awakening process. That karmic inheritance is seen unfolding whenever thoughts, words, or actions that are not in alignment with God’s Will, with Love, direct people’s lives.

As you have often been told recently, and as I need to reiterate, enormous attitudinal changes have been occurring in many cultures and races across the world over the last one hundred years.

The two world wars in the first half of the twentieth century really started the process because the suffering of many who were involved was so dire, and because of the international news coverage that carried the horrific news to every part of the planet.

Fixed egoic attitudes that encouraged people to believe that their side in the conflict was right and that the other side was wrong were severely weakened and undermined as the atrocities committed by all participants in these wars became public knowledge. Initially there were attempts to hide the worst of these, and when that was unsuccessful then attempts were made to justify them.

Those personally involved in the extreme mistreatment of others were shamed; then, frightened that their reputations would be damaged and they themselves destroyed, they strove to convince anyone who would listen to them that the accusations leveled at them were untrue.

Many succeeded at the time, but later, in numerous instances, the truth came out. The more that was revealed the more shocked and horrified people became and a change of attitudes became inevitable, as people everywhere finally began to realize that violence always and inescapably leads to more violence, and never results in lasting peace.

But change of this nature does not happen overnight, new generations have to arise with these new attitudes instilled – as you can see from world history, these new attitudes are very recent – and that is what is happening now.

All over the world you are hearing about corruption and dishonesty being revealed as never before, as whistle-blowers report on the shocking truths that have been concealed and denied for far too long. This is an enormous change!

Those who support concealment continue to fight an intense rearguard action to prevent further “leakage” of intensely damaging information, but their efforts are to no avail. The truth concerning many hideous plans and activities that have harmed and hurt so many and that have also done great damage to the planet and her environment can no longer be kept secret.

Humanity is demanding to know the truth, humanity is demanding change, and humanity is being heard! There truly is no way in which the old order can remain in power let alone in control of the means to power. The vast majority of humans seek love and know that treating others with love, treating others as they themselves absolutely yearn to be treated, is the only sane philosophy by which to live, even though most of them would not express it as simply as that.

The major world religions have a lot to answer for in regard to the suffering that so many throughout the ages have endured. These various religions were established by followers of wise and loving men who, having taught and demonstrated love in action, surrendered their human bodies to the dust from which they came.

Very quickly afterwards rules were established by some of those who had been close to these men, the main purpose of which was to secure authority for themselves, thus allowing them to claim expertise in understanding more fully than anyone else the wisdom and meaning of the man whose teachings they then chose to interpret and promulgate in a manner intended to glorify themselves and confirm their arrogant self-appointment.

Organized religions were established as power structures to control and enslave populations in a similar fashion to that used by emperors and kings. Power is extremely seductive. Once held it is never gently or willingly relinquished, and those holding it generally try to justify doing so by claiming that their subjects or followers need the wisdom and knowledge that they alone possess to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which they can live in peace. No one believes that for long, as leaders promises are reneged on or forgotten dissent develops, and eventually a new leader appears at just the right moment to overthrow the enthroned one.

Humanity has lived in that fashion for eons, as your various histories make abundantly clear, but now major changes are in progress because the Light of God’s Love, which has always surrounded you, is being recognized as the only Power that has ever existed. It is infinite and eternal. It is the power of self-hood, the power with which God endowed every one of His children, and it means that you answer only to God, Who loves you infinitely just as you are, just as He created you. You can do nothing to improve yourself to gain His approval because you already have it, and no other human has the right or authority to judge or condemn you on His behalf. To do so is to attempt to judge God!

God is Love . . . Love is . . . You. Each and everyone of you is Love, because that is how you were created. You have temporarily lost sight of this, your inalienable nature, and it is to permanent awareness of your true nature that your awakening process is leading you.

You, each one of you, as you turn inwards to seek the divine Light burning eternally within you, are thereby setting the intent to know God. That intent starts the release of all aspects of yourselves that are of the illusion and that are not in alignment with Love. The journey can be hard as doubts arise when you are seemingly attacked or judged, and you are tempted to defend yourselves.

However, as you have so often been informed, you are fully supported in every moment by God’s Love for you. Continue to hold the intent to be only loving because then your only option is to awaken, and so you will.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jesus: “Humanity is Demanding to Know the Truth, Humanity is Demanding Change, and Humanity is Being Heard!” channelled by John Smallman, May 3, 2015,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2015 11:04:44 PM

Laura Walker of the Oracle Report Announces: Parliament Is In Session, May 3, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-05-03 at 11.26.37 AM
was delighted to hear from Andrew Foss, Laura Walker’s assistant, early this morning about this wonderful new aspect of Laura work!

Laura deals with the energetic changes taking place here on planet earth, and over and over again I have said how ‘right-on’ her appraisals have been for me personally. Now, she is taking things to a whole new level!

Please visit her new blog, Oracle Academy to learn more details.

Recently, I have found that my reporting of positive happenings here on the (3D) ground, dovetails with the work of others. Just yesterday, I believe I noted that not only The Oracle Report, but Jim Self’s Monthly Report for May came together nicely with my own efforts.

One of the most important posts I made yesterday, an excerpt from Rebecca Solnit’s work, describes exactly what Laura is talking about as a 3D effort. I was absolutely amazed at the serendipitous way this article came to my attention, and now this morning I see how it serendipitously aligns with what Laura shares today:

Interestingly, and seemingly paralleling our own time period, at its beginning, the Renaissance was referred to as the Dark Ages [boldface added]. By the 1600s, the Renaissance had become firmly established as a massive social phenomenon of–as the name indicates–rebirth.

“Many have asked what the Second Renaissance means. What is a Renaissance and how does it impact my life? When did it start? What will it bring us collectively?

Rebecca Solnit is an award-winning writer, and I hope you will take time to experience the beauty of her expression. Back in 2009, as she contemplated the many disasters we had already experienced on our planet, she shared her research and understanding that out of disasters like we are experiencing actually comes the opportunity to create a truly civil, democratic society. She explains her reasoning so well that I suddenly saw exactly why the cabal is determined to put us under martial law and prevent this sort of a creative society from arising like a phoenix from the ashes of the disaster they are consciously preparing to impose on us all. It is a society I believe we MUST create, and once created, we must never, ever let it go again!

While we may be transitioning from this plane of existence, we must remember that at present we are still here on 3-D Mother Earth —even if in a different dimension, and more importantly we must remember that we here are all ONE. There is no ‘OTHER’! This ‘knowing’ should bring to all of us who are aware the understanding that as long as we are here, we must help everyone as much as we can to survive the many shocks that are coming at us head on, shocks for which many are ill-prepared. I believe our individual healing and ascension preparation will continue and be deeply entwined and enmeshed in our efforts to be of service to others.

Those of us who are willing to understand this, to understand the grand opportunity the coming financial disaster (helpful info contained here) offers us all — if nothing more than to reconsider our relationship to money and things — have the opportunity to do real work to help others and to keep the energies on our planet stable, grounded, and positive.

As SaS illuminated for us all in his own commentary, this kind of a society is already growing in places like Detroit as people in small groups leave the system and begin to operate again as human beings and societies are meant to live.

Laura, I wish you all the very best with your new work!



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2015 11:06:15 PM

The Oracle Report, Sunday, May 3, 2015



Full Moon Phase:
realization, illumination

Moon in Scorpio

Goddess of Wisdom: Chinnamasta (Goddess Who Expands The Mind)

God of Will: Ian (God of the East)

Skill: view things as undergoing a process of transformation and rebirth

True Alignment: impulses and insights, connecting, messages, uplifted, adjusting to conditions, inner riches, reform, community, going with the flow, lasting results, the heart’s desires, progressing toward a goal, stability, attunement

Catalysts for Change: arguments, failing to see how things are related, anxiety, generalized fear, getting involved in other’s personal business, closed off or out in the cold, resistance to true self, in over your head, lurid, insincerity, projecting one’s feelings onto others

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month/Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The Moon becomes Full with the energetic of “telephone linemen at work installing new connections.”

In the past, this Sabian symbol has always evoked energy for repairs of things that are damaged, particularly damaged communications. Now that we are in a new dimension of consciousness, the evolution of this symbol rises from repairing what already exists to introducing a whole new system. It’s a cosmic upgrade, not a repair.

DNA (lines of communication) is activated under this energetic, which is in place throughout the Full Moon phase into Thursday, May 7th. The upgrade will continue during this time.

There is a Grand Trine in place at the Full Moon between the Sun, Pluto, and the Black Moon. This trinity floods the field of consciousness with the energetics of transformation and rebirth. Something of a “divine union” results from the archetypal energetic combination of the God (Pluto) and Goddess (Black Moon) of the Underworld. The Sun blesses the alignment, bestowing a blessing on humanity.

An additional astrological configuration between the Sun, Jupiter, and the asteroid Pallas Athena that is called “Thor’s Hammer” or the “Fist of God” is in place with the Full Moon. This energetic is drawing dawn higher levels of spiritual consciousness. Things that are not in alignment with the values of life, liberty, and nature are stomped. We can pulverize to dust any old habits or patterns within ourselves that no longer serve.

A coronal mass ejection was released on the farside of the Sun on Friday, May 1st at 3:36 pm ET/7:36 pm UT. Many thanks to wise owl Dawn for seeing this information and passing it along to me. I’ve followed the Sun every day for years, but now you have to dig a little father to get the data.

The May Day Farside Ejection of the Sun discharged the energetic of 15 degrees of Libra and the symbol of “circular paths.” I believe the Sun was negating the effect of any action taken to re-imprint May Day with the old power and control patterns. The Sabian symbol of “circular paths” always brings the past back around in some way to give us an opportunity to learn/grow/evolve. The natural energetic of this degree had the power to bring back, in some small form, historical imprints from May 1. May 1 is an Illuminati “high holy” day that built upon and twisted the ancient imprint most commonly referred to as Beltane, a Pagan high holy day (because it is midpoint in time between the spring equinox and the summer solstice). The fist of a god said no. Thor’s Hammer dropped.

Now, we entertain the Full Moon phase with the music of the spheres. Each day we tune into more of the cosmic symphony. Each day we learn to play our part. Happy Full Moon, everyone!

P.S. I discussed the Full Moon energetics on Phoenix Rising Radio this week. Here is the link to the archive if you missed the show:

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2015 11:08:06 PM

NorthPoint ASTROLOGY JOURNAL: Your Guide to Planetary Energies for May 4 – 10, 2015, by Pam Younghans

Bob-Holding-image_1430601110_lgPhoto: Auroras over Scotland on April 16, 2015
(credit: Bob Holding, posted on

THE TAURUS SUN squares off with Jupiter to begin our new week. If two planets are square each other (separated by 90 degrees), it means that they are in signs that have very different motivations and needs. In this particular square, two fixed signs are involved: Taurus and Leo.

Taurus is motivated by the need for serenity and inner peace, and often chooses simplicity and consistency as the means to gain the calm within. Leo, on the other hand, is motivated by the need for creative self-expression and the desire to be seen and acknowledged. Fulfillment for Leo is found through spontaneity, drama, and celebration.

WITH THE SUN now in Taurus (April 20 to May 20), most of us are aware of a basic need to feel more grounded, to find our core of peace, and to simplify life as much as possible. But with Jupiter in Leo, we will also find renewed optimism and joy when we allow ourselves to do something a little crazy, outside of our usual routine.

Taurus is more comfortable with quiet simplicity; Leo is more fulfilled when it feels seen and appreciated. As we work with the Sun-Jupiter square on Monday, we’ll want to find ways to fulfill both of these needs — both are valid, but they each may need to be met in a different area of our lives.

ON WEDNESDAY, the Sun is in a harmonious trine aspect with Pluto in Capricorn. This supports the fulfillment of our goals early in the day, since we feel that they have a practical basis and therefore can be successful.

The only planetary obstacle on Wednesday is a Venus-Jupiter semisquare. This is not a strong aspect, but it indicates that some will be feeling less than motivated to put in the focused work needed for goal attainment, choosing to take the afternoon off rather than applying themselves to accomplishing the tasks at hand. And yet, if the most important goals have already been met, why not reward ourselves with an extra-long lunch?

VENUS ENTERS CANCER on Thursday, softening our hearts and increasing our nurturing tendencies for the next four weeks. Cancer is also a very sensitive sign, so we will need to be aware of times when we may take things too personally. As the saying goes, it is rarely (if ever) personal — people are rarely out to hurt us purposefully. They may be insensitive to our feelings at times, but that is most often because they are more focused on their own needs.

We can, of course, choose to be offended that another person is not thinking about us as carefully as we want them to. But those situations can also be a good reality check, showing us if a relationship is out of balance in some way. If we set up relationships where we are the primary nurturer and others are the receivers, that dynamic becomes the unwritten rule of engagement, and is then expected by others. When we know that we want to both give and receive nurturing in our personal relationships, we can set up those parameters early on, and allow ourselves to receive caring as often as we give it.

MERCURY is active on Saturday, forming a harmonious trine aspect with the North Node, and then squaring Neptune. We may be eager to talk with someone about our loftier goals, and yet there’s also something blurring our thinking, as if we can’t quite visualize where we want to end up.

Perhaps Mercury is already preparing us for its retrograde phase, which starts on May 18. It will be interesting to see what we’re thinking about those higher ideals around May 27-28, and again on June 23, when Mercury returns to the same degree in Gemini as it is this Saturday.

MOTHER’S DAY is on Sunday in the U.S. No doubt it will be a mixed day for many — Venus is quincunx Saturn, so our need for nurturing relationships may not be met in exactly the way we had hoped.

And yet, if we can make an adjustment in our expectations, we might find gifts in whatever unfolds this day — even if it is to realize the ways in which we need to take better care of ourselves, knowing that one of Saturn’s core lessons is self-reliance.

In peace,


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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/4/2015 11:33:50 PM

What Is a Lightworker?

Lighthands 11


Periodically I’m asked what a lightworker is and how a lightworker differs from a lightholder. (1)

A lightworker is one who serves the Light.

What is “the Light”? The “Light” is used to refer to (1) God and (2) God’s Light. Light and love are the same.

The Light of God is first seen in enlightenment – the Light brighter than a thousand suns, the Light that’s always burning on the altar of the heart, the firebrand plucked from the burning.

That Light, when meditated upon, grows and finally becomes a Light beyond creation, a transcendental Light that has become everything.

In actual fact, God as the Father is a still and silent void, in its highest form, without attributes. It follows then that the Light must be an attribute of God as the Mother. Only the Mother has physical, detectable attributes; the Father in its highest state has none.

But the Mother remains transcendental; there is no separation between Father and Mother.

The Mother is everything we see around us, everything that moves and makes sounds. The whole of this material world (matter, mater,Mother) is the Mother’s domain. Hers is a world of sound and movement; his is a world of stillness and silence.

To most people, talk of the Father is weak meat soup, which is why, in the story of Lao Tsu that I’m fond of repeating, no one, no traveller on the road of life, is visiting him where he sits at the crossroads dishing out weak meat soup (a metaphor for the peace that passeth understanding and the non-dual philosophy by which we attain it). They favor the steaming noodle stand across the way where they can exchange news and gossip, carouse and have fun.

The Mother has a Divine Plan for the unfoldment of life generally. I can tell you what end design it serves. It serves the enlightenment and subsequent mergence with the Father of all of us.

The Divine Plan is that we should individuate in illusory forms, travel from God out into the world of experience, learn through enlightenment who we really are (God) and then leave the world of experience and return to God again.

In our enlightenment, God has the experience of meeting God, which is the larger purpose behind the whole leela or divine play.

The Divine Plan lays out and serves that return to God.

How it does it is exceedingly simple and can be summed up in one word: Love. Love is

what everything is built from and love is what draws us back to God.

A lightworker serves that Plan. The Plan has its local and temporal dimensions. The plan for this here and now on local planet Earth is a consciousness shift we’ve been calling “Ascension.” It’s accompanied by economic and political restructuring, which we also serve.

As ground crew, we’re responsible for building Nova Earth, a world that works for everyone, a Fifth-Dimensional world, here and now.

Lightworkers serve this aspect of the Divine Plan. Lightholders are more oriented towards meditation, sadhana (spiritual practice) and other spiritual activities that aim for enlightenment.

Lightholders hold the Light. The serve humanity by showing the way to enlightenment. They serve the Divine Plan in its broadest sense of serving the return to God.

We lightworkers do the construction work on building Nova Earth. We build community and unity. We build the foundation, the infrastructure, and the superstructure of Nova Earth and Nova Being. We often take what lightholders teach and apply it to the work of building the new world.

That for me, at this point in time, is what a lightworker is and how a lightworker differs from a lightholder.


(1) Here is another cut at the same topic: “What is a Lightworker?” atttp://

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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