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Gisela Santibanez

107 Posts
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lovely Christmas poem to all my friends
12/22/2005 12:34:19 PM
If There Had Never Been A Christmas By Helen Steiner Rice If God had never sent His Son To dwell with man on earth, If there had been no Christmas To herald the Christ Child’s birth, If in this world of violence And hatred, crime and war There were absolutely nothing That made life worth living for, If whenever man was troubled And lost in loneliness, There were no haven for his heart To calm his restlessness, Then life would be intolerable And loathsome with disgust, For there would be no love at all, Just ugliness and lust – And there would be no EASTER And no resurrected LORD, No promise of ETERNITY And no heavenly reward – So let us thank OUR FATHER That He sent HIS ONLY SON So after this life’s ended And our work on earth on earth is done There’s the promise of ETERNITY Where our ‘cross’ becomes a ‘crown’ When all our trials are over And er lay our burden down. Have a MERRY Christmas and New Year and may all your dreams come true!! Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo your friend Gisela
Violet Varns

6 Posts
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Re: lovely Christmas poem to all my friends
12/22/2005 12:55:56 PM
Very Touching , lovely thank you for sharing
Have Faith in what you learn and do and God will alway walk with you. sincerely Violet
Ron Orr

193 Posts
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Re: lovely Christmas poem to all my friends
12/22/2005 1:00:50 PM
Hello .Thank you for your invite. Nice peom. Tenga una Navidad muy agradable y Año nuevo muy maravilloso, Ron :)
Ron Orr
Re: lovely Christmas poem to all my friends
12/22/2005 1:18:25 PM
Gisela, thank you for that lovely poem, i believe we are so fortunate to have been given this wonderful privilige, what father would sacrfice his own son to save all of humanity. This one principle gives us faith in our God above , our supreme "Father" MERRY XMAS TO ALL.

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