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Laila Falck

358 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
concerning the climatechange
1/13/2010 3:21:27 PM
Hello everybody
Though I have been inactive here for some months I see that you,my forum friends, are still with me. Thank you for staying . I am most thankful and happy for that. I must also apologize for my long absence. The PC went mad and I became less inclined to work with it. I have been much occupied with trying out new and exiting artforms and methods for our "sculpture park" and we have had a few exhibitions in Oslo, Gothenburg and Arvika. Still very much has to be done in spring outside, digging and building.. Now the whole province is snowcovered and very cold. The big house is so cold too, at lowest 8 degrees C in the kitchen, with 14- 15 - 16 in the studio, a very big room..
However today,I wish to touch upon the top subject of the day: the climatechange, and also quote a few words from the Bahai scriptures and other things I remember concerning the global threatening of mankind. I followed the summit meeting in Copenhagen closely every day, hoping to see a change of attitude worldwide among the participants present at the conference and results. But all too many representators from various countries were obviously not aware of the importance of the top issue, the changing of climate, even saying "that´s not the issue" and went out for coffebrakes, from which they sometimes did not return . This immature behaviour caused days of delays and irritation and consequently not much was arrived at. Much of the time was spent on discussing the forms for negotiations, disputing about whom was allowed to speak and so on..
In the wake following the top meeting in Copenhagen some politicians on Swedish TV and others have criticized the enormous size of the conference, it´s clumsyness in the regie of UN.. And,which is more important, have expressed a wish for new more efficient and managable international forums for negotiations.
According to the Bahai model a chosen world government would have an executive body under it, which will carry out what has been decided uponat the highest level, such as new and necessary binding world laws, . How that government can be formed and founded is prescribed in the Bahai writings as part of its Peace Program..
I believe unity in these undertakings will secure the wellfare and security of all mankind and that this world politic will be sought for with increasing intensity in these days of pressing global threats.
As a believer in Bahaullah I also believe that He well knew what was going to happen to us and what was to be at stake on earth and in the air.
I will present a few words of warning but since I, as a Bahai do not want to frighten people but give hope and explanations I wish to start with this full qoute by Bahaullah

"This is the Day which will not be
followed by night"
This means that at this stage in history we have arrived at the threashold "of the coming of age of mankind". And when a man matures, how will he solve problems? Will I have to tell?

This is also said by Bahaullah: men will in future use renewable sources of energy. Moreover men will cease eating meat, but eat from what is grown in the ground. In other words, men will survive, for one thing. Good to know, isn´t it?
Bahaullah also warns us with the following and says (as I remember it) "there is a substance in the earth, which if, dissolved in the air, would prove lethal". In another passage He also says that He hopes that " mankind will have reached maturity before......." (great changes will occur -my words) And He says, more than a hundred years ago: "Mankind is in danger", and, moreover "I can discern a palpable smoke" (in the future ), uttered in old Persia well before the impact of the coal and oil fuelled industries had started.
Concerning maturity , both you and me can see its dawning upon mankind now, first and foremost through a consciousness of the global society. Because this is it. In so many ways we are reminded of this, we must also understand that mankind is just one family and has always been. We are helped , among other things,to gain this equally fundamental insight through the findings of early man, from whom we are descendants , findings much older than the story of Adam and Eve, in African soil, in Ethiopia and South Africa. I have touched upon that fashinating subject in my earlier articles. This is my favorite really. I cannot stop being fashinated.
So ,with the growth of the insight of the unity of mankind a universal society and last but not the least a true and allencompassing love of our own kind, we will be willing and able to establish those institutions and that true world politics which will secure the survival of mankind.
How could we manage this without a" modernized", universal faith which carries within it a fresh potential,freed from manmade dogmas and dust from ages gone by," divine in origin", mystic in its workings", "humanistic in its principles", dynamic, and modern and ancient at the same time. You see, there is a power within a "new" faith , of which the physical sun is but one small sign or symbol. The sun isn´t shining only for a beautiful sunburn.

Some people will say that God speaks to us in the term of this climate change. In the same breath ones often hears the word Doomsday. Well, this is complicated, in so far that we ourselves have polluted the air which is changing the climate. Bahaullah is the Morning Sun over a drowsy world, coming with these words "This is the Day (Age) which will not be followed by Night. " And His Son , Abdu`l-Bahá: This is the Day of Grace"The insight I have mentioned will grow, along with us being chased by the climate change, I guess, the faster this insight will be established so that we can and will be happy to cooperate on designing a prosperous peaceful global "ever advancing civilization" which is the whole purpose of mankind.
I hope I have been able to impart some words of comfort in view of the failed world negotiations in Cpg.

Bye for now
and a Happy New Year to you all.
Laila in Sweden

"Earth is but one country and mankind it's citizens" "The source of arts and crafts is the power of reflection" Bahá'u'lláh.1817-1892 Founder of the Bahái'Faith