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Get Good Web Hosting Free
1/13/2010 2:11:28 PM

Become An Affiliate Free And Earn Income

This is important; If your intention is to eventually earn good income online and make online affiliate marketing yourfull time career, then you must own your own web pages. You must learn to promote and build web page trafficand control your own web site visitors. You should do this by sending any of yourprospective clients and site visitors to your affiliate sales pages through your own web sites or doorway web pages.

Forget all about what guru's on online companies tell you.

If you promote your own doorway pages to the opportunities which you join, you will control your own web page traffic.Web site traffic is worth money to you. This is why; .. If any opportunity you join does not work out or fails, you can just redirect the traffic to your new opportunity. I would not advise you to useshort url services. If the short url service disappears one day you loose all the traffic to your opportunities that you worked so hard to build up over the years.

Having you own web hosting is amajor part of being successful online. Eventually learning to make youown web pages will save you big money.

Today you can get domain namesfree with good web hosting. At good web hosting companies the hostingpackages are cheap and you get plenty of bandwidth so you can drivehigh volume traffic to your web pages at no additional cost. Volume webpage traffic is all you need to make sales online. It is the cheapestform of ongoing advertisingyou can get online. In time, you could create hundreds or eventhousands of pages driving traffic to your opportunities. This is whatthe top online marketers do but don't tell you about.

I use and recommend IX Web Hosting. The hosting is great, reliable andIx Web Hosting has great 24hour 7 day support. Ix Web Hosting also have a great affiliate program. After getting your hosting account, you can learn how to use all the featuresincluding an excellent internal web page builder. This bweb page building systemhas a great variety of templates so you can choose one and make you own multi page web sites. You don't even have to learn html web page language to use this option.

Once you are experienced at using the internal web page builder, I suggest youbecome an IxWebHosting affiliate. You can then promote Ix Web Hosting, earn excellent commissions and this wayyou can pay for all your hosting just by signing one or two friends or site visitors a year.

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You can make your own web pages free in your web hoisting control panel .... No experience needed.

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Note if youreally need to purchase country specific domain names , name notavailable free with web hosting see below. Check if your domain name isavailable and purchase/ buy it online now. You can then transfer thedomain name to your own web hosting company

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More Information
RE: Get Good Web Hosting Free
7/11/2011 10:00:53 AM
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RE: Get Good Web Hosting Free
7/19/2012 2:38:40 AM
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RE: Get Good Web Hosting Free
10/17/2013 9:57:07 AM
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