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WE must never forget THEM
12/24/2009 1:02:59 AM

Remember them this Christmas

us-soldiers-afghanistan.jpg picture by romacmail

They may be American, British, Canadian or a dozen other nationalities.

They do these things in our name. To them it's a job but a calling too.

The least we can do is remember them.

I write a verse a day

© Roger Macdivitt

Dawn appeared like a crack in the curtain

As if an unseen hand had lifted the horizon

Light seemed to slide from the centre South and North

Like quicksilver on marble

Unstoppable, rapid and scattered


Oh No, It’s not today already?

Yesterday I was excited

You see, we succeed at night, they struggle

It’s not just the equipment, it’s the training

Ok, now it’s daylight, that means we move again


This is when we’re vulnerable

That innocent truck or van

Parked next to the road

Is it result of breakdown, poor maintenance?

Or is it stuffed full of physical hatred


We have some brave or maybe stupid guys

They check out these things for us

Proud of their work, protecting us

How do they ever do that job?

Who is maddest them or their wives for waiting


Yes, they have wives and kids these guys

Wives who are probably innocently shopping at this minute

Pretending that he’s just doing a job somewhere

Knowing that many of his friends came home

Some came home I pieces or just as a name


We rely on each other

No,”Every man for himself here”

We know, “Go it alone and you’ll never go home”

Sticking together, that’s the way

Working as one, watching each others backs


These local folk are not like we were told

Sure, they welcome us, but there’s suspicion

We are to blame as well, we mistrust too

The guy that offers you water today

He may well offer you a shroud tomorrow


Make friends, win them over?

But how? Through the kids

Only last week Joe was evaporated

Blown away by the kid he played football with

Both died, Did they go to the same God together?


God? God? It’s nearly Christmas

Some of our guys are Muslims and they’re ok

They muck-in with us at Christmas

We make sure that they get their time to pray

Give and take, it works


What did they do in past wars?

I mean, no mobiles phones?

We only get to use them sometimes

Makes sense, protect our positions

Wouldn’t want to advertise


My friends are great

There here to do a job as well

Yeah, that’s what it is, a job

It gets a little heavy sometimes like most jobs


Nights are very different

Some nights we get good sleep

That’s if we’re not on guard duty

But we are better equipped at night

That gives us confidence


The endless drills we learnt

Boring, boring, boring

But now, now I know

I know my gun will operate

I know it’s every detail


We tease and get teased

Like, “Easy job being a cook”, ha ha

Next day he’s fighting alongside of me

Watching my backl

Couldn’t work without him, cook or warrior


Those bomb disposal guys again

They’re nuts

They’ve gotta be

Couldn’t do it otherwise

Selfless, focussed nuts


Today’s a hard one

House to house stuff

Incoming was very heavy earlier

All suffering, long day.

Too close for comfort, twice


How many times can you read one letter?

Can’t say much in letters

But this one smells of her

Three bloody weeks to get here

It still smells of her


I get a pint of beer sometimes

I get a game of pool too

I even get a pie, but

Never together, not like at home

A beer, a pie and some pool, I can dream


Can’t tell where we’re going

Don’t really know anyway

Heard a load of choppers yesterday

Something big going down here

Ah, moving out now


Never know who or what next?

Ok, so I got a sore eye

My fault, forget drill sometimes

Dave did last week

He’s not with us now, such a waste


I write a verse a day

My pals think I’m a screwball

Yesterday was rough

We lost three, not dead though

Badly shot up, sordid mess


God, we've been holed up here for days

Couldn't write my verses but quiet now

No sleep, just naps, so much to think about

We're cut off, surrounded

If I get to write another verse I'll



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RE: WE must never forget THEM
12/24/2009 2:15:31 AM

Thanks Roger,

The poem is beautiful and the sentiment touches my heart.

As we gather this Holiday Season with our family and friends, enjoying our freedom to Celebrate our faith and to Celebrate the Birth of our Savior, may we stop and say a prayer of thanks for the brave men and women who are fighting and quite often dying, that we might have that freedom.


Young Warriors; Should fate find you on the battlefield, May your cause be a just one. May your courage not falter. May you show mercy to your enemies. May your efforts bring the blessings of peace. May you be triumphant and earn victory. May your sacrifice be always appreciated. May you endure the conflict unharmed. Should you be harmed, May your wounds heal. Should you perish in the struggle, May God embrace you and find a Place for you in his Kingdom.

by : Scott A.Tackett Sr.

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Wishing Everyone A Safe & Joyous Christmas,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: WE must never forget THEM
12/24/2009 9:07:19 AM


On their behalf I say an unreserved thankyou


Flag of Phillip Black

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RE: WE must never forget THEM
12/24/2009 2:24:02 PM


I ran across this and just had to share it...

Please Click Below For

A Christmas Letter To Iraq

God Bless Each & Everyone


Have A Blessed & Beautiful Christmas,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of Carla Carey

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RE: WE must never forget THEM
12/24/2009 2:42:47 PM
I clicked on your forum link and ended up here !! Please post this in Facebook somewhere too I'm sure it'd get attention. Thanks for the compliements you do a lot of good in here also !
God bless you !

Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey

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