WELL Lady! God is with you! This week is yours. Congratulations for being YOU! I have not words to describe your density or your heavy work in all communities I know you. I haven never tasted your Jerky meals but I presume they are better than every mousaka and soublakis that Lyssandros made for you. I know that he prefers buffalo beefs. Keep up the smiles and your good business work. I admire your way of working the internet. Queen of Spartans We hail you! Few People know that you are a real SPARTAN Queen and less know you in deep. Love is above any business matter. We live to be alive FOR LOVE WE GIVE OUR LIFE-HELLENIC SPIRIT IS ABOVE ALL. Be there for you and your friends. Never abandon them but tell them who you really are. If they have the mood they will understand. Dedication not to you but my lovely country mate LYSSANDROS  Click above This may be sad but my Bulgarian friends give the spirit of real love and spirit of what we call relations and family life. Stay close to your beloved, He is Greek but he could be anyone of Hellenic Spirit. I really admire you. I understand your inner ego. You would always be there for what the inner of your demands. I've just watched the "300" epic movie. In the beginning you canhear short bulgarian folk theme as a background, and at the end of themovie when the Queen sorrows over the death of Leonidas you can hearanother beautiful bulgarian folk song - both instrumental and vocalfrom Rhodope mountains region in Southern Bulgaria. The name of thesong in the movie's soundtrack is "Message for the Queen", composed byTyler Bates, an US film music producer and composer and based on"Zaydi, zaydi yasno Slance". Go down, go down, bright sunshine Go down, hide your light. Mourn for your leafs, you forest, I will mourn for my youth.
Cry, forest, cry my sister, let's cry - me and you; cry for your leafs you sister, I will cry for my youth.
Your leafs, forest, my sister, will come back to you; my youth, forest, my sister, will never return!
And now I dedicate you my side as of a mate of wider internet and global friends and a lover of what I call life spirit, the flame of being human. You are a great friend who sets every thing above love of friends of a reason and friends of life time LOVE ABOVE ALL.  Click on the rose and enjoy Above all powers above all kings. Above all nature and all created things
Above all wisdom and all the ways of man You were here before the world began
Above all kingdoms, above all thrones Above all wonders, the world has ever known
Above all wealth and treasures of the earth There's no way to measure what You're worth
Crucified laid behind the stone You lived to die rejected and alone
Like a Rose trampled on the ground You took the fall and thought of me
Above all, Crucified laid behind the stone
You lived to die, rejected and alone Like a Rose trampled on the ground
You took the fall and thought of me Above all, Like a Rose, trampled on the ground
You took the fall and thought of me
Above all, God Bless You
My love and greetings to you and family Georgios