
Are you getting a $2500 bonus from your boss this Christnas?
10/16/2009 6:07:08 PM

Are you getting a $2,500 bonus from your boss this Christmas?

The answer is probably, "not an ice cubes chance in Hades." What if I told you that you could create your own $2,500 Christmas bonus by simply finding three people willing to find three people who are willing to find three people (3 + 9 + 27 = 39 people)? What if I said that you had to find those people by the end of October and that each person would only be spending $24 + $9 a month to get started? Could you do it?

Of course you could. The question really is, will you?

There is a new company just now entering the home business market called "Own Your Channel" (OYC) and it is the most revolutionary home business idea in decades. How does it work? It’s really quite simple. OYC simply reverses the approach used by most home businesses. Instead of spending money to join a company and then trying to build a team, OYC shows you how to build your team first and then join a company with your team in tow. The focus on building a team first is quite intuitive. If you have a large team, you’ll make money in any company. So OYC members build their team first and then partner with MULTIPLE companies.

Remember that $2,500 Christmas bonus? Well, that’s what you get by moving your team of 39 people into the first of several companies that have partnered with OYC. In other words, you’ll be making that Christmas bonus again and again and OYC will show you how to do it with nearly no out-of-pocket expenses.

Why go through all the effort of building an organization and then limiting your organization to distributing products from a single company? If you wanted to double your income from your home business, which do you think is easier to accomplish?

1. Doubling the size of your team?

2. Adding another product from a different company to what you are already buying?

If you think your boss is likely to hand you that $2,500 Christmas bonus check, this opportunity might not be for you. If not, you might want to look into this. Go to and watch the three short videos on the home page. Call me afterwards and I’ll give you the step-by-step instructions on how to make that Christmas bonus a reality.

Own Your Channel is changing how the game is played. OYCs success is certain. Yours can be as well. Join me and we’ll find true success together.

Annemarie Berukoff

Business: 250 365 6916



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