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5 Tips For Marketing Your Business on Twitter
9/30/2009 11:35:54 AM

By Ryan Frank

Who would've thought that something as simple as Twitter, a social media site that lets you send 140-character messages to your online community, would end up becoming one of the most powerful internet marketing tools available? But if you think about it, it makes complete sense. Twitter is simple, instantaneous, and easy to use. It lets you reach a vast audience of consumers and possible clients and deliver to them your message in a necessarily (because the character limit) concise manner. Knowing how to use Twitter can be an invaluable addition to your marketing arsenal. Here are five tips to better Twitter marketing.

1. Quick, concise, useful

You don't need a full page blog to get a good message across. You can deliver quick, concise and immediately valuable messages using the 140-character Twitter format just as well if you just take your time. Conveying your thoughts precisely in a way that resonates with people will result in more followers and retweets that will raise your status in the twittersphere and make give your brand name exposure.

2. Interact with your market niche

Good marketing is about engaging your target audience in conversation as much as it is getting your message "out there". See what customers, prospective clients and industry leaders are saying and get involved in the discussions. Use TweetGrid and TweetDeck to see what's being said in real time and respond to tweets so you can add value to your industry's community.

3. Twitter as a tool for analyzing market trends

Staying up to date on the latest market trends is a successful business's bread and butter. It also a very difficult and time-consuming task, which is why Twitter is such a helpful tool for helping you follow what's going on in your niche market. Use Twitter Search and Monitter to see what is going on in the areas of interest that important to your business industry.

4. Create interest groups

Set up groups where topics that resonate with your target audience can be discussed exclusively. Use tweetworks, which lets you set up ad HOC groups easily and quickly, and start networking and discussing the topics that are relevant to your business and to your customers. Well run groups with interesting discussions are what's going to generate industry buzz and get your name out there.

5. Offer access to your blog through Twitter

The whole point of having a company or business blog is to reach as many people as possible. By using twitterfeed, you can seamlessly lead all of your Twitter followers to your blog site, a great and easy way of extending your blog's reach.

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