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Bogdan Fiedur

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The only man who makes no mistake...
12/20/2005 11:16:51 AM
"The only man who makes no mistake is the man who never does anything. Do not be afraid of mistakes, providing you do not make the same once twice." Theodore Roosevelt
Be a victor not a victim. Simply be responsible for what happensin your life.
Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.

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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: The only man who makes no mistake...
12/20/2005 11:49:14 AM
Hi Bogdan, Great words to live by,Thanks for always giving us food for thought each day. Kathy Martin
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Carrie Poulsen

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Re: The only man who makes no mistake...
12/20/2005 12:06:21 PM
Yes I try to do that through out my life. thanks for reminding! have a dreamy holday! dreamthough
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Re: The only man who makes no mistake...
12/20/2005 12:40:20 PM
I just like to say, that there's no mistake about that Quote! Have a Great Day! Kathy
Donna Lira

572 Posts
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Re: The only man who makes no mistake...
12/20/2005 1:10:52 PM
Good Afternoon Bogdan, Thank you for your invite to your Quote of the Day. I like this Quote a lot. We all make mistakes that is part of life, but it is learning from you mistakes that is important and learning not to repeat them. Excellent post, thank you for sharing! Regards, Donna aka texgirl IN GOD WE TRUST

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