Greetings carl carr
I wanted to thank you again for visiting the website of and allowing us to introduce the Vemma opportunity to you. You have taken an important first step that can lead to an extraordinary life for you and your family. I'd also like to take this opportunity to introduce my two wonderful sisters Lauren and Karen. They're co-owners of Vemma and I know you'll love them when you join this great team.
Our commitment to your future!
When you join the Vemma Team, my commitment to you is that our Home Office Team will work hard every day to meet and exceed your expectations of us. Our job is to help you make your goals and dreams a reality. It is in this spirit of partnership that motivates us each day to provide you with the very best service, support, tools, systems and training available. When you're ready to join, just visit the site of Ed Baker by clicking here:
Our expectation is that your decision to join Vemma will lead to a healthier life by experiencing all of the tremendous health benefits of Verve! and the Vemma Nutrition Program. My wish for you as a Vemma Member is a happier, healthier life. Through helping with the Vemma mission, I want you to grow and develop as a person. Not only in your business life, but also in your personal life. I want you to make some new friends; people that will encourage you and applaud your accomplishments.
In addition, as an independent business owner, you have positioned yourself at the very beginning to experience phenomenal growth in the energy drink market. Over the next several years, Vemma is going to raise the bar for energy drink consumers, and you will be a meaningful part of that growth and prosperity!
Let's get you started.
As a Member of the Vemma Team, I will provide you a free marketing website. We have invested significant time, energy and capital into creating a tremendous marketing and management tool to help you grow and manage your business.
This site will be made available to you free with your product order the instant you join the Vemma team. That way you can start your business off as quickly as you'd like and be able to start telling the Vemma story. I encourage you to access the back office of your marketing website as often as possible to experience all that it will do for you and keep you plugged into your business.
Don't keep Verve! a secret!
Once you've got your website activated, you need to start 'telling the story'. The easiest and most effective way to do this is to invite those people you know, love or care about to visit your site and watch the MyVerve movie. The great thing about this site is you can have it working for you 24/7! I've arranged some sample email invitations you can use. Just go through your email address book and don't prejudge if people would be interested or not. Let them decide, you never know. Also, from your MyVerve back office, you can use the "Tell a Friend" tool to share your website with others.
Also consider visiting There you'll find a place to order business cards and other clever promotional items for your new business. Check with your Enroller for other tools they may use to effectively build their business.
Get ready for your free training series.
When you join, I'll make sure you get the first training email in a series that is designed to help get your business off to a fast start. This valuable training contains some of the most effective secrets to success that I have learned over my career. This entire series is yours free. Think of it as my investment in your success. Your Enroller, or as I like to call them, your Success Coach, is also motivated to help you and get your new business profitable. Get to know them and get some ideas. If you haven't emailed them yet, drop them a note with any questions you may have at
Thanks again for your time. You'll discover that we do things differently than most companies. We have more fun with better results. We have a remarkable product that people are sure to fall in love with and a dynamic plan with an unrivaled team of field leaders. Verve! will enrich the lives and health of many millions of people. We have an exciting business model with a revolutionary and lucrative compensation plan and state-of-the-art tools and systems to support your efforts. All the ingredients are in place and the timing is perfect, now let's go to work, have fun and make your dreams a reality. Click here if you're ready to join the team!
Let's do something great today!
BK Boreyko
President & CEO
Vemma Nutrition Company
P.S. Be sure and add and Vemma to your address book so you don't miss any important information!
©2005-2008 Vemma® Nutrition Company
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have a great web site. check this out