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Linda Miller

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Manifesting In Perfect Timing
11/17/2005 11:13:14 PM
Recently I got a phone call from my bank in North Carolina and by the end of the conversation I was really angry. The man wanted me to make a $10 payment to my overdraft protection account - instead of deducting it from my checking account. Huh? He said my reserve account was not attached to my checking account. Makes no sense at all. So I vowed to call the bank and close my account the next day. (There have been other issues with this bank also, so this was icing on the cake!) A little background... and then I will show you how I realized the perfection in this incident and came to be extremely grateful to this man who made me so angry last night. Seven years ago I met my husband, married him and moved from North Carolina to Michigan to live with him. Big step for me! We agreed that we would live in Michigan until his son got established in college and then we would move to North Carolina. We kept my house in North Carolina for 7 years and visited often. My son rented the house from me for a few years until his passing in 2003. After that, I had no desire to keep the house, so we sold it in September 2004. My mortgage on that house had been with the same bank about which the man was calling me. We kept the checking account at that bank because we want to maintain a presence in North Carolina as an act of faith that we will be moving there soon. We have a real estate agent in the NC mountains, Lake Lure, which is where we are planning to live. As a side note... we really wanted to move two years ago, but circumstances have kept us here in Michigan. We have decided that when the time is right for us to move, it will be in Divine timing and not my timing. We have detached from the outcome, knowing that God's timing is perfect timing. Recently my husband has had some issues with his mother, and realized that he wants to be here in MI for a little while longer to resolve these issues for her. A few months ago my sister told me that the HGTV Dreamhome is being built in... you guessed it... Lake Lure, NC! Now, I'm sure that is what I have been waiting for... we are going to WIN this house in 2006... no doubt about it. Construction has begun. You can see pictures and videos of the house and the beautiful mountain views at the HGTV website. Ok, so back to my story... When I called the bank, I spoke to the manager and I told him of the phone call I received that night and of the problems I had with this account in the past (including being reported to the credit bureau for an error made by the bank!) He was very apologetic, but I was firm in my decision to close my account. AND THEN... it dawned on me that I am SUPPOSED to close this account in the NC city where I lived for most of my life.. and open a NEW account with a bank in Lake Lure. It all seemed so perfect when I realized that this man who called was simply acting on behalf of the Universe to prompt me to move forward in my faith by establishing a presence in the town where we want to live. I called my realtor for a bank recommendation, called the bank, faxed some forms, sent a check to open the account... and voila! Now we have established a presence in the town where we plan to live. Why didn't I think of that before? So, now I am very grateful for the man who called and made me angry... to the point that I realized what I need to do as the next step in faith for manifesting our move to Lake Lure, North Carolina. I believe that detaching from the outcome of that which we desire opens the door to all possibilities. How can you apply this to your business? By being aware that everything that happens serves a purpose. There are no mistakes. Mistakes are simply opportunities for learning. When you begin to view everything as being in perfect timing - whether you understand it or not - you will begin to see a difference in your life and your business. There is no blame. No judgments to be made. When you can become the observer of your own actions and love yourSELF unconditionallly without judgment, you will see changes in your life. What a grand and perfect Universe we live in! O-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina

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