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A Dying Man
11/17/2005 6:05:10 AM
Hello everyone, Here's a good one!Depends what mood your in! *********************** A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor's office. After the check-up, the doctor took the wife aside and said, Your husband is suffering from severe, long term stress and it's affecting his cardiovascular system. He's a good candidate for either a heart attack or a stroke. If you don't do the following four things, your husband will surely die. First, each morning, fix him a healthy breakfast and send him off to work in a good mood. Second, at lunch time, make him a warm, nutritious meal and put him in a good frame of mind before he goes back to work. Third, for dinner, fix an especially nice meal, and don't burden him with household chores. Fourth, and most important for invigorating him and relieving stress, have sex with him several times a week and satisfy his every whim in bed. On the way home in the car, the husband turned to his wife andasked, So, I saw the doctor talking to you and he sure seemed serious. What did he tell you? You're going to die, she replied. Ha Ha Ha HA!! Thanks Leanne Busby
Craftie Linda

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Re: A Dying Man
11/17/2005 6:12:09 AM
Leanne Thanks for the invite for your story info Linda
Re: A Dying Man
11/17/2005 6:37:24 AM
Hey Linda, It's a joke! Try reading !
Eileen H

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Re: A Dying Man
11/17/2005 7:02:25 AM
LOL,Guess she didn't care! Thanks for the laughs :)
Bill Dugan

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Re: A Dying Man
11/17/2005 7:15:43 AM
Hey Leanne, If you eat right, and if you excersie regularly and properly, and if you live so that you suffer no ill effects from stress, and if you are fortunate enough to have somebody that loves you and accepts you for who you really are ..... you're still gonna die. And (as if anybody really cared), for all of those people who told me when I was in my 20's that I wouldn't live to see 30 - you were wrong; I'm still going strong (sort of). Here's wishing you long life, good lovin', along with happiness and harmony. Bill Dugan