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For Bryan;
10/26/2005 8:58:09 PM
Hi Bryan; "If 98% of the population end up broke we need to do the opposite of what they do, so we do not end up like them". I have since tried to evaluate programs by their merits but being new to all this it makes it rather difficult. That's very true... a lot of people find it rather difficult. Want to see something really, really neat? Go to the thread that I've linked to below, and post your interests. So far, we have 8 people. Four more and I'll show you something really, really neat. Might even put you on the track to making real money. It's here; : ) Linda
Re: Article : Purple Koolaid and Unintentional Lies
10/26/2005 9:00:08 PM
Hi Jon! =============== Great article Linda! =============== Thank you. : ) =============== I can think of a couple of sites that seem to fit this description. Luckily, they are not injestible! LOL ! =============== LOL. Too funny, but isn't that the truth! =============== Death to bogus social proof!!! =============== I'll second that! : ) Linda
Re: Article : Purple Koolaid and Unintentional Lies
10/26/2005 9:01:46 PM
Great post Linda! A little over a month ago Arild said something that made me step back to take a look at everything I was promoting. I wasn't making any money so I knew I was doing something wrong. I started getting rid of everything I was dumping money into and not getting any back. I found that I was down to my web hosting site and 12dailypro. Now I no longer promote anything unless it is a product someone can really use or unless I am making a profit. Since doing this I find that I have more time for things that do work and are important. Hopefully this will also help increase my income.
Thank you Arthur!
10/26/2005 9:08:11 PM
Hi Arthur; I'm taking part of your post and putting it in bold lettering for all to read as they go through this thread. Hope you don't mind! It's the *right* kind of social proof. =============== Now I no longer promote anything unless it is a product someone can really use or unless I am making a profit. Since doing this I find that I have more time for things that do work and are important. =============== Thank you for posting that! We need more people like you to step forward and speak from a place of honesty and experience. Like you, I do not endorse or promote anything unless it either enhances my own life, or makes me money. : ) Linda
Ricardo Alcaraz

203 Posts
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Re: Article : Purple Koolaid and Unintentional Lies
10/26/2005 9:10:49 PM
Hello Linda, Thank you for such a sobering article. I wish I had read your post whem I started exploring online earning way back in 2003. It would have saved me a lot of disappointment and money. I was new and naive enough to believe people claimed the real thing. Finally learned about the concept of hype through bad experiences. I hope your article would help others avoid the same mistakes I've made. Thanks again. Cheers! Ricardo