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Advertising Sale! Advertise your business to thousands and thousands of people! Advertising to message boards is a great place to get your business noticed. Boards include: Yahoo, Direct Matches, Yuwie, Myspace, Ryze, Cafe Mom and many more! They include
8/12/2009 8:46:20 AM
Advertising Sale! Advertise your business to thousands and thousands of people! Advertising to message boards is a great place to get your business noticed. Boards include: Yahoo, Direct Matches, Yuwie, Myspace, Ryze, Cafe Mom and many more! They include: WAHM groups, Business opportunity groups, work at home groups and product groups. Each group has thousands of people that have joined and receive ad's in their email box and on the boards. On sale! 200 groups once daily for 21 days Regular price $20.00 On Sale $5.00 Three months of advertising! (This package does come with a guarantee of traffic) Ad submitted to 400 groups twice a day for three months Your ad to 85 traffic exchanges Your link submitted to search engines Your ad submitted as solo ad Your ad submitted to radio. Radio advertising is located in VA. USSports Radio. Ad aired at least 20 times for 30 days plus your banner located on their site and Schedules. Your 65 word ad will be created as audio. Once audio is finished it will be emailed to you as Mp3 so you can hear your ad. If approved you will receive links to hear your ad live! Regular price $400.00On Sale $125.00
Michelle Sawyer Owner Global Hit Pro

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