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Michael Derowin

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Being Alone Together
7/26/2009 10:33:26 PM
Being Alone Together

Being with you alone once
it is quiet at night,
Your beauty is radiating out
in the bright moonlight.

Watching as your hair floats with
the soft and gentle breeze,
Grazing my face while tickling my
nose making me want to sneeze.

Seeing the shining of the sky
 full of glowing stars,
No disturbing noises but the
 stray trucks and cars.

Letting everything go so the
emotions come together as one,
Knowing your lifelong dream has
finally begun to get done.

Everything seemed to be going
well on our first date,
When it was over it seemed to us
both it was not that late.

We both agreed to go out again with no
expectations how it will end,
So we could enjoy it more and cherish
the time we do get to spend.

Starting with a coffee and talking thru
lunch and the rest of the afternoon,
Rushing to get ready again as time for our
dinner reservations was coming up very soon.

To end the evening with romance
and a good night kiss,
There was not a sign which I
could/would not ever miss.
Now we are together each and
every moment of the day,
Looking to the future and working towards
the place we want to stay.

Written by,
Michael Derowin
© 2009-07-18

Re: Being Alone Together
7/27/2009 8:48:08 AM
Once again another beautiful romance poem.  Thank you for sharing, Michael.  Hope you are doing well and we will have more of these.

Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Being Alone Together
7/27/2009 11:50:11 AM
Hello Michael,

Your poem is beautiful, thank you for sharing.


Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Being Alone Together
7/27/2009 4:35:50 PM

Thank you for the invite Michael,

Always good to come and read your work.



Jill Bachman

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Re: Being Alone Together
8/2/2009 11:08:56 PM

Hi Michael,

WOW!!   This poem is absolutely beautiful and thank you for the invite.

I marvel at your talent and keep up the great work.  You have a real gift!!

Blessings,  Jill
