Let me Tell you about myself .I am a 62 year old man,Medically Retired with a lot of time on my hands..I have a friend thats 78 that loves to fish.you don't dare throw any back..His Name Is Chet.Well Chet weighs in around 290 lbs.He Just can't stay still.You know where this is going,anyway I started the motor and told Chet to pull the front anchor..He pulled and pulled and the darn thing would not budge,it was stuck good.I said hey Chet let me go around to the other side,ok he said. We started around when Chet Said I got a cramp in my leg and stood up..With the rope still wound around his hand in he went..The funny part was I could'nt get the lard but back into the boat.I told him to hang on to the side of the boat and ever so slowly got him to shore.You think he quit fishing?? Heck no Chet got back in the boat and finished the day catching fish and laughing..True Story