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Jayson VanBeekom

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Food Habits
7/16/2009 10:04:25 AM
Do you combine two food items and thinks its delicious where other people may say "Whats wrong with you, freak?" This may not seem that strange, but I sprinkle black pepper in my mac and cheese. My older brother use to put ketchup in his mac and cheese. And sometimes I'll just eat things plain, like hot sauce on a spoon.
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Food Habits
7/16/2009 5:00:32 PM

Hi Jayson,

My mom (your grandma) has done that all her life with pepper, must be a hereditary thing that skipped over me!  When I was growing up, she would dump pepper into the entire pot of whatever she was cooking, and if it was supposed to be something of a light color, it was more of a gray color when she was finished peppering it, ALL of it for everyone. :(

My weird combinations...there were a few times when I couldnt decide whether to have a peanut-butter sandwich or a cheese sandwich, so I made a combo of those, it was okay, edible, not horrific.

I've been known to mix cheap wine with strange flavors of Faygo sodapop.  But who doesn't?  Maybe nobody else?

Terri Pattio

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Re: Food Habits
7/16/2009 7:49:26 PM
Hi Jayson,

I like to eat potato salad sandwich and it's really very good and I have been doing it some time now.

I think it's weird but I love it anyway.

I'll have to try the black pepper on my mac and cheese, sounds good to me.

Talk soon.

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Jayson VanBeekom

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Re: Food Habits
7/17/2009 9:54:46 AM
Hey mom. Cheese and peanut-butter? Well that doesn't sound as gross as little brother sticking his dirty little paw in the margerine and stuffing it in his gob. He did that when he was four or so, but I remember it like it was yesterday.
Jayson VanBeekom

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Re: Food Habits
7/17/2009 9:57:11 AM
Hi Terri. Pepper on MNC really gives it a zing. I've always liked spicy foods, and pepper is perfect for it. Potato salad sammiches doesn't sound weird to me; I'd actually like to see that in a restaurant  :)