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How to Raise Happy, Healthy, Self-Confident Children - Learn the secrets today!
7/9/2009 1:58:33 PM

"How to Raise Happy, Healthy, Self-Confident Children"
Learn the secrets today!

"If you raise your children to feel they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings." - Brian Tracy

This offer yielded great results for us, we want the same success for you as well!

Brian's 6-CD program, How to Raise Happy, Healthy, Self-Confident Children, is celebrated by parents around the world -- there are certain things that you should know when raising children that Brian teaches in this program. He should know, he has raised 4 wonderful kids. Also, get Brian's Time Management For Results, absolutely FREE with purchase.

In this program, you will learn...
  • Four behaviors of effective parenting
  • How to communicate with your children on a deeper level
  • How to raise high achievers
  • How to help your children stay drug-free
  • To manage your time so family comes first
  • How to raise super kids
This Training Kit is available marked down from $99.90 -- now just $54.95! Plus, it comes with a Free CD, Time Management for Results -- $19.95 Value

A Message from Brian: "I have received hundreds of letters from parents that have seen a tremendous turnaround in their children. I hear it all the time. In fact one of my coaching clients once told me that this CD program was the missing key he was looking for. It got him to stop pretending and reconsider his relationship with his children. He said that this CD taught him how to communicate with his children."

Promote How to Raise Happy, Healthy, Self-Confident Children Today!

How to Raise Happy, Healthy, Self-Confident Childr

Do you know the secrets to raising super kids? No more yelling. Your children will listen to you. Become a super parent today.

Brian Tracy on effective parenting...
The role of parenting is to raise your children with high levels of self-confidence and self-esteem so that they leave you feeling completely capable of making their own way and succeeding in the world. This definition is sufficient to govern your behavior from the time your child is born to the time he or she leaves home, and for years afterward.

The biggest single mistake that parents make with regard to their children is that they conclude, usually unconsciously, that their children exist to fulfill the parents' expectations, to be what the parents want them to be.

What I learned very early, an awareness that has helped me to be a better parent, is that children belong to themselves. They are not personal possessions. Parents do not own children. The job of parents entails raising their children to feel terrific about themselves, to feel capable of dealing with the inevitable ups and downs of life.

Whether a child comes from a good home with every material blessing or a poor home with limited resources doesn't really matter in the long run. What does matter is how confident the child feels when it comes to setting goals, making decisions, overcoming obstacles and succeeding in his or her chosen areas of endeavor.

If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings.
