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Tazoodle - Next Google & Yahoo! 200% Match bonus! Earn 1% daily until launch!!
6/25/2009 4:29:26 AM


Hi my friends,

I was recently introduced to a new generation of search engine. It's called Tazoodle and it's very unique.

Search engines earn income by charging advertisers to display their website links on the search results page. Tazoodle does the same thing. What makes Tazoodle different is that they share the income with its advertisers and viewers alike.

With similar searching results as other search engines, what an incredible way to earn income if you are a user and recoup your advertising costs if you are an advertiser. It's brilliant.

You'll get excited about earning income for using this search engine. Do you earn income from your current search engine?

Click on the link below to register and watch the video presentation.

Minimum purchase: $100.00
Discount Credits: 67% discount (200% match)
Daily Credits: 1% each day until launch

Post-Launch Discount Certificate: 67% discount

First Year Sales Commission Credits: 200% of purchase
Pre-Launch Solicitation Compensation

Sponsor's receive website display credits equal to
200% of the purchase amount for level 1 and 2 buyers.

General Concept Tazoodle is a search engine similar to Google and Yahoo. Search categories will include websites, images, maps, news, yellow pages, white pages, health and jobs as does Google and Yahoo.

Other website search engines rely upon advertising revenue to financially support their business. This advertising revenue is not shared with its users. However, Tazoodle stands apart from Google, Yahoo and other search engines by sharing its advertising revenue with its registered users.

Revenue sharing is not a new concept. Some industries and many employer/employee arrangements operate with a revenue sharing philosophy. Sharing revenue with users of a search engine, however, is a new concept. No search engine today offers revenue sharing with its users.

Millions of users are expected to join and view advertising member websites as a result of this revenue sharing model. After all, most, if not all, computer users use a search engine so why not use a search engine where income may be earned?

How Tazoodle Works
Initially, an individual becomes a viewer after registering an account in Tazoodle. If the viewer adds a website to his or her account and purchases advertising, he or she becomes an advertiser. The advertiser’s website is then added to the website display list along with other advertisers. The advertiser’s website is then displayed at certain times.

The cost for one website display click or view is one dollar ($1.00) and all advertisers pay advertising fees in advance of their website being displayed. One dollar ($1.00) purchases one (1) website display credit.

When an advertiser’s website is displayed, Tazoodle earns income. From the earned income for that day from all sources of revenue, fifty percent (50%) is shared with those Tazoodle account owners that qualify to share in the revenue pool. Of the fifty percent (50%), seventy-five percent (75%) is allocated to advertisers and the remaining twenty five percent (25%) is allocated to advertisers and viewers alike.

The seventy-five percent (75%) amount allocated to advertiser’s, is allocated to advertisers based upon the number of times the advertiser’s website is viewed during the previous 24 hour period. The remaining twenty five percent (25%) amount is allocated to advertisers and viewers based on the viewing requirement qualification.

Account owners qualify to share in the daily revenue pool by viewing twenty (20) advertiser websites for fifteen seconds (15) each.

Advertisers automatically receive a twenty-five percent (25%) bonus in website display credits. This is calculated and added to the advertisers website display credits account each day. The bonus is based on the number of times that the advertiser’s website was displayed for the day. The website display credits count determines the number of times the advertiser’s website may be displayed and the potential income received by the advertiser.

Although advertiser’s and viewer’s have the option to view advertiser websites without using search engine key words, there is no guarantee that the advertiser’s website will be viewed each day.

Advertiser’s have the option of receiving a refund of the unearned portion of their prepaid advertising account.

The unearned prepaid amount, less fifteen percent (15%) for commissions paid to sponsors as outlined below, is eligible for refund.

An advertiser or viewer may introduce Tazoodle to other individuals. If the individual registers an account under the advertiser or viewer account number, the advertiser or viewer become the new account owner’s sponsor. If the new account owner subsequently purchases advertising, the sponsor shall receive a cash commission in the amount of ten percent (10%). If the new account owner introduces an individual to Tazoodle who subsequently purchases advertising as well, the first sponsor shall receive a cash commission in the amount of five percent (5%). Commissions are paid immediately to the sponsor’s cash account.

Each day, the viewing income and commission income will be calculated and posted to the account owner’s cash account. From the cash account, each account owner will have the option to purchase Tazoodle advertising, transfer cash to another account owner’s cash account or transfer cash to a PayPal account or International Global Exchange account that offers bank-to-bank transfer and debit card services.

Reasons why a website owner will pay to advertise on Tazoodle:
1. The cost per website display or click is only $1.00.
2. The advertiser’s website is being viewed for 15 seconds by other account owners.
3. The advertiser has the ability to recoup their advertising costs and earn income.
4. The advertiser receives a 25% bonus of the displays each day.
5. The advertiser has the ability to earn a larger share of the revenue pool.
6. The advertiser may request a refund of their prepaid advertising costs at any time.
7. The advertiser has the ability to sell advertising to other individuals and earn commissioned income.

Reasons why Tazoodle will be a profitable business venture:
1. Tazoodle offers business owners an inexpensive and cost-efficient means for profiling their website to realize mass exposure.
2. Tazoodle offers ad members the option to recoup their ad costs and earn income.
3. Tazoodle offers the general public a means to earn income without costs.

Join Now!!

To our success!

