Congratulations to the 192nd POTW: JAYSON VANBEEKOM!

I don't remember my birth, but really, who does? But I was told that I was a skinny baby. Skinnier than anyone else in the family. That of course would be the prelude to a life of being skinnier than everyone else. Try as a might, I couldn't gain any weight. It was, and still is, a blow to personal morale.
And though being told I would never be as built, be it from my friends or even my own brothers, I still enjoyed the life I had. Playing sports activities with my elementary school chums out on the field at recess everyday. Yes, that was what I called enjoying life. Perhaps I should've enjoyed it more.
When it was time for a change of scenery, a la the transfer from elementary to junior high, I thought of it as an exciting new challenge. And what a challenge it was, minus the excitement. Every friend I made in elementary was gone, off to a different school. I was alone. Surely if I could make friends before, I can do it again, right?
Wrong. I don't know what it was about the junior high crowd, but they had the attitudes of a man on fire. Unfamiliar and unfriendly, no place for someone lacking a healthy self-esteem. I was in trouble. The two years I spent there have changed my care-free nature into something more cold and closed off. Like an old yet reliable microwave with an expired warranty, I was broken.
I carried my new sour disposition to high school. But this time, I made the first strike. Before I was told that I wasn't good enough, I told all of them. In a classroom assignment where everyone stood up in front of their peers and told them about who they are, I told them, loud and clear, that I HATE people. I looked them all in the eyes, and they looked back. But I couldn't help but feel that I had made a mistake.
Apperently word travels fast, because soon everyone came to know me as "The kid who hates everyone". I was labled for being a victim. A victim of rude, insensitive people from junior high. I was wrong for being wronged. I couldn't believe it. Was I a little harsh in my statement? Absolutely. Did they understand? Absolutely not.
Fast forward to the present day, and I realize the hindsight is 20/20. I got through all those years of school and graduated with barely any friends. Graduated, but lonely. My biography may have been a little serious for those who've read it, and for that I apologize. I just wanted to emphasize that even though I accomplished what I set out to do (graduate), I had forgotten what it was like in my elementary school days.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. A community like this would've been exactly what I needed back in the day. Thank you.
Jayson VanBeekom
P.S. If I'm allowed to post business links here, I'm going to, here are the 2 things that have consistently paid me for the couple years I've been online, plus the magic words "Bookmark These, Thanks!"
Lotto Magic: http://www.freelottomagic.com/?V7577
Clickbank: http://jay1022.marketplace.hop.clickbank.net
I love that kid! It's easy because he's my carbon-copy! I was also very skinny, but it wards off the fat for a few decades so enjoy it! We all say things that stick too long but every moment is an opportunity to fix it up. High school doesn't last forever, thank goodness. You've got a lot going for you, great sense of humor, artistic ability, kindness, and good sense, sometimes more than I have. Congrats!!

Sara Gardner Blow (7th from last)

Branka Babic (10th from last)

Branka's forum "OMNIFORM": http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/27789/ShowForum.aspx
Please visit the FRIENDS OF POTW FORUMS, if you'd like your forum linked here, announce the Nominations/Election link to your forum members every week! THANK YOU!! http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/thread/1187238.aspx
NOMINATIONS/ELECTION thread for this week ending next Tuesday, June 16th for the 193rd POTW: