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Robert De Merode

669 Posts
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Person Of The Week
6/9/2009 11:24:39 AM

Hello Friends,


“SCAM ALERT!” A heading that seems to come from some former road banner set at every crossing point and bar a century or more back but still remains actual. This time the alert is not only for locals that reside in the vicinity of Dallas, the Internet has claimed the better part of the world and all may be presently concerned. Tens of thousands of individuals around the world have had their accounts ripped off for the personal benefit of gurus that see no harm or shame in doing so.


Success University has ‘merged’ with World Ventures, the opportunity was impressive, but the hind story had a proportionally pervert ambition. Let me explain.


Success University, a leader in the self development market and rightfully so, understood that when stagnating at the top of the industry they needed to implement a product that would maintain their members active for years if not for life. Along comes World Ventures a travel company of amazing growth since its inception in 2005 due to a ‘member club’ concept. It was not difficult for Matt Morris, Johnny Wimbrey and Kalpesh Patel the top guys of Success University to envision along with Wayne Nugent and Mike Azcue founders of World Ventures that the union of both companies could for the former increase their income six fold and for the latter to expand globally in a vast market many thousand times greater than the one they were in. What a perspective! What a break through! What a dream!


Now listen to this; If Success University has no national boundaries because the product is intellectual, World Ventures needs to be physically present in all countries before it can operate from these countries and this will take time, a great deal of time, many years. We are dealing with tax specifics and national laws and regulations all of which need to be adhered to accordingly.


According to ‘Success University’ Matt Morris and c° this is not a problem for him, because his increase in revenue far outweighs the loss of maybe 25% of “foreigners” that have joined Success University and have since months created an income for themselves. Many have joined only days or weeks before the ‘merger’ because of the opportune deal.


Wait it gets better!


On June 1 for the majority of all foreigners, and that accounts for approximately twenty thousand people (20,000) from all over the world (except for UK, Kenya, South Africa, and Botswana) have simply seen there back-office stating that there country is not within those that have been selected and they will be informed when time comes. No matter if they were earning or not an income; their eventual sales will in the mean time be credited to their up line.


Conclusion; My opinion is that these Gentlemen Morris, Patel, Wimbrey and the list is very long, are not worthy of your respect. Some people have lost their entire income of many $1,000 because these mentioned gentlemen saw a new potential for their own interest.


If you are happy that the Internet marketing can live with these frauds, it is your right (Hmmm!) But, If you believe that every effort should be done to prevent this from reoccurring systematically and have been dumped (ripped-off), call me by skype (rob.dem) and with numbers we can and will get these scammers under control by law if need be. Obviously I have tried in vain to contact them repeatedly.


It goes without saying that your names and personal information will be respected and safe.





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