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James Wright

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An Unknown Holiday...June 1st and...Hurricane Season...
6/1/2009 8:55:55 PM

Hi Friend, I just discovered a new holiday that I did not realize existed...and it is...

Here's some interesting information concerning this date:

The Children's Defense Day is celebrated on the first day of June. This holiday is a very popular one in all CIS countries.

Schoolchildren enjoy this holiday the best as it's the first day of summer vacation. They may go outside cities, close to nature, go to the seaside including resort areas to get away from annoying teachers.

The decision to celebrate this day was accepted during the special session of the International Women Democratic Federation in November 1949. The first celebration of the International Children's Day was held on June 1, 1950.

The U.N. supported this initiative and announced the defense of a child's life, health and rights as one of the priorities of its activity.


Also on this the beginning of hurricane season...they are estimating a normal season this year...who knows what that means!

Here's a link to the top ten tips to being prepared for a hurricane...and they are...

1. First, get important papers and special photos in order...

2. Think ahead and take video or photos of your property...

3. If staying with relatives is not an option, consider booking a room...

4. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that your pet will have a place in a motel or hotel...

5. Designate a spot, in the hall closet, to keep a bag of clothes...

 6. Along with overnight clothes, consider stocking your Hurricane Kit with the following...

7. Count on the power being out for at least a day or two...

8. If you decide to tough out the storm, stay downwind in your home...

9. Plywood is a 'hot' commodity for those of who decide to stay...

10. Finally, STAY INSIDE...

Happy Hurricane Season...Please be safe!




Mary Hannan

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Re: An Unknown Holiday...June 1st and...Hurricane Season...
6/1/2009 11:52:01 PM
Hello James,
I'm glad I was able to log on and reply, this evening. I have tryed for about a week. A few times I got as far as logging in, then I got a error page.
I knew it was the beginning of hurrican season, because I watch the weather channel and get depressed, LOL! Our weather has been hot, raining or both.
Have a great week,
Nick Sym

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Re: An Unknown Holiday...June 1st and...Hurricane Season...
6/2/2009 8:21:15 PM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
James Wright

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Re: An Unknown Holiday...June 1st and...Hurricane Season...
6/12/2009 9:29:17 AM

Mary, I hate it when those computer problems won't go away. Last weekend I was up visiting my sister, and she gave me her desktop computer. So I unplugged everything that was attached to it, and low and behold I should have taken the info for each item that was plugged in, because now, I have failed to remove the drivers....they are HP and if one doesn't have the info, you cannot remove them. So now I have this windows downloader that keeps trying to download this file everytime I turn on the computer, then it tells me it cannot finish because there is a file missing. So I went to the internet to see if I could find it, and low and behold there are about 50 different drivers that are similar. So I will have to get the info from my sister, and I don't want to bother her with it right now!!!

As far as hurricane season goes, so far so good. It is really too early to tell what will happen...all I know is I don't want to be in Florida when they begin.

James Wright

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Re: An Unknown Holiday...June 1st and...Hurricane Season...
6/12/2009 9:30:08 AM

Hey Nick, thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend :)


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