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Beth Schmillen

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UFO Sightings in Idaho...
5/29/2009 3:59:26 AM

UFO sightings in Idaho

May 29, 2009 2 am now!

Tonight on the Radio Program, journalist Linda Moulton Howe interviewed a man who saw a UFO upclose. I'll have to wait until I get the newsletter later tonite to get his name but from what I heard of the interview ~ here are some of the details:

Challis, Idaho camping trip that three men were on and one of them is a pilot who also saw the UFO after his brother got over his initial shock and yelled for them to come see it as it was ascending rapidly straight up. The man who first saw it had gone out to his truck to get some things because they were staying in a cabin for the night. The mules were tethered not far away. They never reacted to this event at all which is very unusual because mules are as much like watch dogs as watch dogs are!

As the man was reaching down into his truck he felt a darkness over him almost like he was suddenly in a cave. Then the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He looked up and there was an object as wide as a football field and triangular. He was able to shine his flashlight up and see details of the craft. The size of the lights, the texture of the craft and its coloring which varied from charcoal black along the edges to a greenish color underneath.

In the next seconds, the lights came on. First the white lights around the edges... which he said were about 30 feet across and then in the center a ruby red light nearly 3Xs larger came on and the lights began to pulsate.

What struck me was how level headed this person was. A known business man and he and his brother and a friend were camping on vacation. When the craft began to move upwards, that's when he screamed for his brother who managed to grab his 10x binoculars and watched it until it disappeared in a matter of seconds.

Illustration: Triangular Craft

The picture is showing here when I edit the post but doesn't show up in my forum thread after I post it?, just click the link to see the drawing!

"One of Linda Moulton Howe's reports concerns a 300-ft-long triangular craft seen by Kris Bales (who created this illustration). He witnessed the low flying vehicle over a Challis, Idaho, hunting camp on September 27, 2000"
(((from see link above!)))

Why is this particular sighting of such interest to me? The pulsing lights ~ red with white around them. 

Here's what I wrote to a friend a couple of nights ago:

Coeur d'Alene, ID Wednesday, May 27, 2009 around 9pm

I was walking to the store and seeing the stars that had just come out when I noticed a flashing red with white light fairly high in the sky. It was stationary. Doubting that it hadn't moved, I stood still and saw where it was in relation to several bright stars and the skyline of trees and rooftops. It was stationary to the right of the big tree I was nearing. I thought it would be moved by the time I passed the tree but it was still there flashing and flashing.

For the next two blocks I walked slowly and stopped frequently wondering what it could be when it finally started to move. About the speed of a satellite only it stopped several times before it kept moving without arcing across the sky. It moved in a straight line from South East to South West ... it just kept going flashing all the while and I turned to walk on to the store!

After I got home and thought about it I wondered if a helicopter could fly high enough so that a flashing light from it would look like a star or ufo? but it was silent and in the daytime it takes some time to see or hear a helicopter that's coming in. Unless you're Radar from Mash who hears them before anyone else.

I don't see how this could have been a helicopter... it's so quiet around here that a low hum should have been heard, at least that would be my guess but that is the only explanation unless... I just saw my first true UFO!

I should probably take out the exclamation points when I submit it to a ufo site!

Helicopter or UFO?
What would you conclude?

So, then tonight I heard of the Idaho sighting from 2000 and the red lights with white...  so I went ahead and reported my sighting to MUFON of Idaho and the main MUFON Headquarters

Here it is:
sent to:

Idaho Mufon

August Fawkes

State Director


Marie Malzahn

Assistant State Director


MUFON Headquarters at

Coeur d'Alene, ID   Wednesday, May 27, 2009    after 9pm

I was walking to the store and seeing the stars that had just come out when I noticed a flashing red with white light fairly high in the sky. It was stationary. Doubting that it hadn't moved, I stood still and saw where it was in relation to several bright stars and the skyline of trees and rooftops. It was stationary to the right of the big tree I was nearing. I thought it would be moved by the time I passed the tree but it was still there flashing and flashing.

For the next two blocks I walked slowly and stopped frequently wondering what it could be when it finally started to move. About the speed of a satellite only it stopped several times before it kept moving without arcing across the sky the way satellite, stars and the moon do rising and setting. It moved in a straight line from South East to South West ... it just kept going flashing all the while
... I didn't stay to watch what it did as it headed to the far west but it was at the same elevation... I had to turn the corner to walk to the was late and I like to keep moving...

I wrote the above the same night after I saw the light and sent it to George at C2C... the rest I'm telling you now...

Tonight I was listening to Linda Moulton Howe on Radio and there was a description of a ufo that had a ruby red light with white lights in a circle. That's what this was like only very high in the sky. They described it as pulsing and that is what I'd describe this as doing also. Very intensely bright and deep ruby red with white around the edges of the red that was the flash.

now I regret not watching it to see what it would do but because it didn't speed off or disappear I wondered if it could be man made. But, there was no sound. Only the light and it appeared to be high in the night sky. It was about 45 degrees above the horizon maybe higher. When I locate my star gazing books I'll be able to tell which stars I was going by to track if it was moving or not.

anyway, thought I'd report this in case others saw it also


Re: ufo lights over Coeur d'Alene 05/27/09 after 9pm

Friday, May 29, 2009 1:02 AM

Thank you for contacting MUFON HQ.  Due to the high volume of email that headquarters receives; we may not be able to respond right away. We highly recommend that you visit our web site at  for answers to the common questions that you may have:

UFO Sightings
- If you would like to report a UFO sighting, please do so at and fill out the detailed report form. Your sighting will not only be added to our research database, but will be automatically routed to one of our local MUFON Field Investigators for follow up.
- If you have questions about a sighting you have already reported, please send an email to
- If you would like to search for UFO sightings in our database, please do so at

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- If you would like to join MUFON as a new member, please fill out our online membership form at
- If you would like to renew your membership (regardless of when it expired), please fill out the online renewal form at
- If you have questions about your existing membership, please send an email to

Local MUFON Chapter
- If you are trying to find a local MUFON meeting in your area, please visit our website at  and click on your state. You will find contact information for the State/Assistant State Directors there and for some states a link to their local state website.
- If you would like to find out how to become a MUFON Field Investigator, please see the 4 step process on our web site at

MUFON Organization
- You can view the MUFON Mission Statement and Goals at and
- To download a MUFON brochure, logos, public service announcements (PSA), etc. please go to 
- If you would like to send email to the MUFON Board of Directors, you can find those email addresses at

MUFON Symposium
- For information on the MUFON Annual Symposium please go to

I guess I need to look into MUFON and other ways to find out more about this amazing phenomenon!

Nick Sym

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Re: UFO Sightings in Idaho...
5/30/2009 3:14:49 AM
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