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Your help would be appreciated
5/6/2009 10:58:10 AM

Just because I'm old doesn't mean I'm dead.

In spite of my age I've decided to take on a challenge and prove that age makes little or no difference in ones ability to learn, grow, and succeed.

My plan is this:

I'm going to learn how to play bass. Then in September 2009 I'm going to release a CD of music I've written, played, and produced. Hopefully this CD appeals to enough people to make it a success story.

That's where you come in.

I'm not asking you to buy the CD when it's released (unless you want to). I'm asking you to be a fan and provide encouragement so that I succeed at this.

Plus there will be some perks for fans. And fans get to make suggestions on what those perks could be. So participating will benefit you too.

To become a fan just go here and register at my website. I will only contact you when the CD is released and invite you the the release party.

Your suggestions, ideas, or comments are greatly appreciated. How can being a Todd Canedy fan benefit you? 

I look forward to having you as a fan and friend.

Become a fan here

Thanks You,

Todd Canedy

  P.S. I'm not new to the music business but I've been out of it for a while. You can read my story at my website


Sincerely, Todd Canedy Go here to sign up as a fan:
Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Your help would be appreciated
8/14/2009 5:32:35 PM
Hi Todd,

Hopefully your plans for the summer are going well and by now you have learned some things you will be putting on your CD when it's released. 

So, how is it going?  I will be happy to offer support for your music endeavor.
Sounds like a lot of fun and probably a lot of hard work as well.  I admire that you are going for something that you really want to accomplish.

Best Wishes to you!

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"