Congratulations to the 186th POTW: LYDIA FOKINA!

Greetings from Russia!
What is our life? It is a plot for the small story.
My childhood has passed in the rural house surrounded with the garden. My parents worked as agriculturists after graduating of agricultural academy named by Timirjazev. In childhood I took a great interest in drawing, volleyball, table tennis, chess, gardening.
And also I was intrigued with universe questions, nature laws.
After the termination of 11-year-old school I have arrived on physical faculty of the Moscow State University named by Lomonosov. After I worked in the field of microelectronics. Recently I trained for a new profession - teacher of additional education and I work in teenage club, and also I conduct remote lessons on the Internet. I am happily married, we have two grown-up sons.
I enjoy communications here in AdLandPro.
Wishing health, good luck, Lydia
Thank you, Lydia, for the brief but very interesting bio! I only made very few small edits, not to remove your personal manner of speaking which we westerners find so interesting. My parents had neighbors from Europe (Italy and Poland), and they were always more interesting to talk to because of the slight differences in speech patterns. I think too much editing would cause a loss of individualism. Congratulations and have a fantastic week!!

NICK SYM (10th from last)

Nick's forum: "Poems of Life, Love and Religion"
BRANKA BABIC (7th from last)

Branka's forum "OMNIFORM"
Please visit the FRIENDS OF POTW FORUMS, if you'd like your forum linked here, announce the Nominations/Election link to your forum members every week! THANK YOU!! http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/thread/1187238.aspx
NOMINATIONS/ELECTION thread for this week ending next Tuesday, May 5th for the 187th POTW: