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Charles Ryder Scam ...updated info
3/23/2009 5:17:25 AM
About 2 months ago, I saw & responded too the Income Cloner sqeese page, offering a Free D.V.D
So I entered my name & email address, after clicking was taken to another page where I was told I had to pay postage, & since Charles lives in U.S.A
It cost me £7.95 approx, so it duely arived, I started watching it - Found it Boring
Too much talking, hardly anything of use unlike he had said, he was supposed to be showing me exactly how he made lots of money online !

Yeh ! Right ... Rubbish, he just sat talking, probabily all the way through.
"Anyways" being his favourite saying repeated 20 times and that was only half way!

I gave up with it after that, and thought that was the last I would hear from him, Wrong - Next month another D.V.D arrived, BORING !
But this time my card was charged £77 !!
Yet I didn't rememer anything about ongoing payments or me joining into a membership agreement

It seems that I'm not the only one who was tricked out of money in this way, But at least I found a way around further payments

Ask me how ?