After another tie-breaker, we have a of the ladies who was part of last week's tie-breaker:
This is such an honor for me, My heart is so full that words just are not enough.. Thank you,for selecting me as POTW, I am humbled.
I was born and raised on a farm in south central Pennsylvania. Yes, I was the farmers daughter, and proud of it. It was a lot of hard work, but I am so glad that I had wonderful parents to guild me in the right direction. We were A Christian family, ( I have a sister) living as good a life as one can expect living on a farm. The best thing in being raised on a farm is having a lot of animals to love. I made pets out of everything. We had a calf one time that played with the dog, What fun it was to watch these too play. At the time, I didn’t know the calf was being raised as our beef supply for future use. I loved her so much, and when daddy had her killed for beef, I was a basket case for sometime. I could not eat beef. Every time we had beef I would just start crying and had to leave the table. I could see was her looking at me with those big brown eyes.
One big part of my life changed in 1982 I fell and had problems with internal bleeding for 12 years, I had an auto accident in 1989 which added too my internal problems and was pretty sickly for a number of years. All the doctors wanted to do, was more tests and never found anything. So I just gave up on the doctors. I was unemployed at the time my mother had a stroke and every time I went to the hospital to see her she would ask me to take her home. So after 3 months when she was to be released I took mom home. 2 years later, while I was taking care of mother. I had a ruptured esophagus, which was very painful, but I did not go to the doctor for 7 months.
On April 24th 1994, I was awakened by a urge of sickness. Well, it was not a pretty sight. I became so weak from all the blood I lost that I had to go to the ER. I was in the local hospital for several days and I was sent to a hospital in (75miles) Harrisburg, PA, there I had major exploratory surgery, the Doctors thought it was my heart, but found that food had become impacted behind my heart and I was full of infection. The DR told me it was the worst infection he had ever seen. Needless to say they took more then the esophagus out. I was in the hospital for 34 days. Got out of the hospital the day before Memorial day. Without a esophagus, on a feeding tube for 4 months. I even started gaining weight on this food. (I can look at food and gain weight) I had to return to have another major surgery to replace the esophagus with a piece of the colon. I went back in the hospital on July 17, 94 for the colon surgery, to get a new esophagus. It took longer and it ended up as 17 more days. After the 2nd surgery, I lost a lot of strength. They took a piece of bone out of my shoulder, so that the new part would be easy to get to if something ever happens. I never signed for the bone to be removed, and my shoulder is now dropping causing me problems.
But I am alive and life goes on, and better times are coming.
In Sept, 1994 I started taking care of my mother again. It was rough, but the lady that was here helping out was just too noisy, and she was trying to run my life. I have had the job of running my life for a lifetime and she wasn’t going to take it away. Lol I told her I could take care of my mom. Which was another two and a half years.
I think the last 4 years have given me more meaning than any other time of my life. I was in a bad auto accident in February 19, 2005 and I learned how to forgive. I had a lump on my head the size of a grapefruit, (they told me I Iooked like one the cone heads) a crushed left ankle, a fractured right leg (tibia), a broken neck, broken rib, punctured liver, and cuts and bruises. It was in town, the guy went through a stop sign. The worst part of this accident, was spending time in a nursing home, it was awful not being on my own. I was away from my cat and my bird.
But I made the best of it and wanted to work to get home. Michael, my wonderful helper and guide, (therapist) Taught me so much, I learned how to more from a wheelchair to the bed. (That part was a real challenge.) I did so well that he brought in the people in training, for nurses aids, to watch me. This made me feel so good. I learned how to do it in 2 days and Michael said, “ I thought that would take 2 weeks, he was so proud of me, he just beamed. (It made my day). I had to get out of there, I had so much determination. I saw so many people that would work one day and the next day they could care less. I was going home and I knew I had to work to do it.
Michael loved to have a good time because he was always coming up behind me when I was working on putting puzzle together,(this was a real time consumer) and making me jump, he would just laugh and laugh, I laughed to. We had so much fun together. I will always love that man for the wonderful times we had together, and his wonderful gift of caring.
Learning to forgive someone when they have caused you pain. This man, who caused the accident, came into the hospital to see me, while I was ICU. They thought he was related, or he told them he was, not quit sure of that, but he wanted me to forgive him, for the accident. I told him I forgave me, but deep down, I hadn’t. It was like God saying, "Yes this is just what you need to do" Well it didn't really happen overnight, more like 6 months, it was something I really worked on. I believe, God allows things to happen to us so that we get His point. One lady at church has commented on what a better person I am. (I was so narrow minded, am now waking up) I told my pastor a year ago, “You know I am thankful for that accident, I really learned a lot. I am so much happier now, then before.”
My life surely is not exciting, but I have a lot of fun. I worked a lot of jobs, mostly office work. I worked a lot of places, it seemed every place I worked it would close down, It got to the point that I felt like I was a jinks, I am retired now, but enjoying my time to do what I want. 2 years ago I took a 9 week course in the Chaplains office for visiting patients. I usually go once a week and have meet and fall in love with these folks So many of them thank me and say what a blessing I have been to them, but really I am the one receiving the blessings.
My hobbies are gardening, veggies and flowers .I enjoy cooking and baking for my friends. The internet is where I spent so much of my time with all the wonderful friends I have made all over this planet,
Thank you for being interested in my life. I am grateful for your love and caring, I am so blessed.
Hugs to all,
WOW, That was some life story, Myrna! We're glad you're still here!! Congratulations again on surviving so many life challenges, AND our little 2-week tie-breaker, in comparison seemed like a breeze to you!!

Treena Murphy: First-time voter! (10th from Last Nominator)
Unique candles that resemble food and other tasty items not available in stores,They are used at weddings,garden parties,and to decorate the home.They are wonderful gifts and require a second look to make sure they are indeed candles!You are welcomed to take a look if you like and send me your comments!
Roger Macdivitt: (7th from Last Nominator, even though he posted this week's nominations in last week's forum, his time-stamp would have put him at 7th...we don't think Myrna would mind, othewise she would have been 7th from last!)
Stories can help to remove fears and trauma
from a child's life in a gentle and caring way.
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P.S. Have you visited the FRIENDS OF POTW FORUMS? Your forum can be linked here if you link to us every week and notify all your forum members:
The Nominations/Elections poll will close at 12 p.m. (noon eastern) on Tuesdays from now on, to allow for a 24-hour tie-breaker OR one day off from voting if there is not a tie!
Here's the link to the 175th, ending Tuesday, Feb. 10th at 12 noon:
I just saw someone else posting nominations at last week's closed poll! I will count those for the 175th.
IF YOU DON'T MAKE NOMINATIONS, you're just denying yourself or your friends the chance to win a FREE AD by being chosen one of the Nominators Of The Week!! We contact all nominees and give them the link to go make nominations! A long-term high-traffic FREE AD on the winner's forum is definitely worth nominating 7 friends!!