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How to Improve your Relationships
12/31/2008 5:57:58 AM
Get the relationship few have and be the envy of all your friends. Would you like to know the secrets to having a wonderful relationship with your partner? To have a great relationship requires both partners to be totally in love, committed to eachother, and having complete trust in eachother all the time. Also sharing all everyday tasks equally, each doing what they do best. Another vital factor is being able to share eachothers favourite pastimes, friends of both sexes, and giving help whenever needed day and night. These are just a few of the many elements that together make any relationship more successful and happy. For even more information visit our new website: Steve & Jennifer. We have been helping people to improve their relationships for a couple of years, and now have a website to help the world too. We live together in the UK, and have a perfect relationship together.
Hi (First Name), We have just launched our new website businesses with expert help from our successful entrepreneur mentors. It is for anyone who is looking for ways to improve their incomes. For full details, go to http://www.RecessionBustingIncome
Re: How to Improve your Relationships
12/31/2008 3:13:52 PM

Hi Steve & Jennifer.

Thankfully I have a wonderful relationship with my wife.

Steve & Jennifer since 1980 I have worked with singles and also made many people happy. This has also made me great money and continues to do so.

Join with me and earn some extra income.

Go to

Click on link Affiliate and create you own free singles businesses.

Steve & Jennifer have a great year.


Re: How to Improve your Relationships
1/1/2009 5:20:45 AM

Dear Michael,

Think you for visiting my forum.  My business is very new and still needs more work to improve my sales conversions although I am getting new opt ins every day from about 50 to 75 visitors most days.

I will consider putting some of your tips and articles with all your links intact and become an affiliate.  In return maybe you could consider putting a link to my website somewhere on your website so that people seeking a solution to their relationship problems maybe not found on your website?

I have saved your website on my computer and will examine it fully and get back to you again.  As my website is new, getting inbound links is one of the things I am working on as well as paid first page positions on my keywords, and believe we would both benefit if you could link to my website from a page on yours?  I am still learning more about marketing my business on the Internet and have put this website up to help people improve their relationships.

Thank you once again and I look forward to working together for our mutual benefit.

Steve & Jennifer. 

Watford, Hertfordshire, UK. 

Hi (First Name), We have just launched our new website businesses with expert help from our successful entrepreneur mentors. It is for anyone who is looking for ways to improve their incomes. For full details, go to http://www.RecessionBustingIncome