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Jean Marie

199 Posts
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2008 is almost done.... is the world a better place? What will you do in 2009?
12/14/2008 11:19:32 PM

Well, it's that time of year once more...  the holiday season, a time of joy,love, hope...  and anticipation of the New Year......

It's a time when we celebrate our accomplishments...  a time when we reflect on how we made a difference.

Share your stories of how you've helped to improve our world, or share with us those moments of grace, when something someone did inspired you or brought you joy....

Share with us your plans for 2009...  how would you answer if someone asked you, "What kind of world do you want?" and what will you do to help make it so?

I would like to share this true story with you, as it changed my approach to each day....

I was driving to work last Tuesday, without a minute to spare if I wanted to be in the office by 8am, mentally going through my daily task list, trying to order everything I had to accomplish for the day.  I was halfway to work, when a school bus stopped in front of me, red lights, flashing, and, as is typical with most folks, that "aaarrrrgh" escaped my lips at having my commute delayed.

Then I saw the bus driver get out & walk around to the side of the bus, and my first thought was, "oh no, I hope the bus isn't broken down...", when I then saw her (the driver) open the handicap door & lower the ramp.  At that same moment, I saw a mother (still in her PJ's & looking rather exhausted) lift a small boy (he looked maybe 6 or 7 years old) from her car into a wheel chair & strap him in.

Let me tell you, this child was singing, and clapping, and absolutely jubilant!  He gave the bus driver a giant bear hug & a kiss, which had her smiling in no time.

As he was lifted on the ramp, he continued to sing, and clap, he was so excited I was fearful he was going to tip himself out of his chair!

And I thought to myself...  here is this child, physically afflicted, facing a lifetime of challenges and he is facing this new day with pure, unadulterated joy!  Sharing his jubilance for life with all within earshot....

And I prayed that I would be as joyous as he, and would face not only this day, but every day, with that level of joy....  with love in my heart for everyone who crosses my path....

I got to work & I was so inspired by this young man, that I relayed my story with my staff, and challenged them to be as jubilant as that little boy....

And I pray daily that when I don't feel quite myself, or I'm tired, or my strength is wearing thin, that I remember that little boy....  and greet each day and each person who comes my way with a smile...  with joy...  with love!

Thanks for letting me share that with you...



JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"

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