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9/9/2008 2:41:13 AM
I am in the process of putting together a cookbook and would like to ask if you could submit at least one recipe (food or drink) or cooking/grilling tip. I would like the finished product to be a collection of recipes from all over the country from people that are friends, family, or business associates. I will also be including a section on the contributors with their name and a 2-3 line bio. This you can write yourself. The only requirement is that either you, a family member, co-worker, or friend has tried and liked it. There are no restrictions on the type of food or drink you can submit. Also, a history of the recipe would be great too (i.e., a recipe that you great grandmother made that has been passed down, how you found it, etc.). Each recipe will be listed with your name and company name, if applicable, unless you request otherwise. Also, I am asking for suggestions for a name for it. Someone suggested "Treasures from our Kitchens". What do you think and do you have another idea? Once it is complete, I will send each person that contributed a copy. I don't have a firm completion date, but would like to have all the recipes in by the end of September, if possible. This started out on a small scale, but I have been having so much fun with it I thought I'd branch out. The only problem is that all the recipes I've been getting sound so good I've had to try all of them. Thankfully, a few have been low fat/carb/cal recipes! I can't wait to get your recipes. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Sarah
Steven Suchar

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Re: Cookbook
10/25/2008 11:27:15 AM
Hi Sarah!

Thanks for your invitation, always a popular topic...


Just in case you haven't been there already, I must steer you over to this delightful forum.

Visit Donna Zuehl's ~Let's Share Recipes~
Please Click Here

Invite Donna to be your friend, she's a wonderful person who is very helpful.

Have a pleasant day...your OREO friend Steven.


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