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Michael Derowin

770 Posts
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We Never Forget
8/24/2008 6:12:11 PM

We Never Forget


There are things in life we forget until

they are mentioned again,

Like when your first child had spilled on

the carpet causing a stain.


The time a family member falls while

dancing bringing all a smile,

As they sit on the floor amazed at what

had happened in a grand style.


When someone trips over their own big

feet falling down on their knees,

Looking like they are asking forgiveness

or is it marriage everyone sees.


Watching your child’s face when they

have their first shower,

The eyes lighting up as they get ready

to scream with all their power.


Riding their two wheeler for the first time

and falling on their behind,

No one showing them how to use the breaks

before hitting all they find.


Always finding new ways of coming up

with new scrapes and bruises,

Looking like a life size Band-Aid ad to show

its many different types of uses.


Standing by as your child is getting ready

for their first official date,

Totally amazed at how fast they had grown

keeping their proud state.


With us parents strutting with pride of this

little child which has grown,

Into an Adult with the life of honesty with

honor which they call their own.


They have shown us they do not have

to stay young and very wild,

 The biggest part of this time is when they

give us our first Grandchild.


 Written by,

Michael Derowin


Jen Maxwell

658 Posts
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Re: We Never Forget
8/24/2008 6:33:26 PM

Hello Michael my friend,

No, we never forgot the wonderful moments with our children and
all our loved ones.


Have a great wee,


Award Winning System cancels mortgage and debt interest on steroids! Without paying more each month! "The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate
Beverly Kersey

1239 Posts
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Re: We Never Forget
8/24/2008 10:51:29 PM

Oh Dear Michael:

You made me cry with this one. You touched my heart so deeply as I sat and read this beautiful piece of art, remembering my children and now seeing my 13 grandchildren doing the same thing. This is the true meaning of wealth. I am the richest woman in this beautiful place we call earth.

Thank You My Dear Friend:

Never Stop Writing Dear Michael!

Your Sister and Friend Bev

Beverly Kersey
Peter Fogel

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Re: We Never Forget
8/25/2008 12:06:02 AM

Hi Michael,

You expressed the joys of parenting perfectly. There are a few bad moments too but it's interesting that we don't tend to remember those.

Grand parenting is the best joy of all. It's a double whammy in a sense. Enjoying your own children and the next generation at the same time. What an experience and joy.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Michael Derowin

770 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: We Never Forget
8/25/2008 12:19:41 AM

Hello Jen,

Thank-you for stopping by and sharing such a Beautiful picture. The Rose is the Flower of Emotions which it shows the admiration of a fellow friend.

Memories of our past whether good or bad is what makes us unique.

Jen for this I thank-you for the Honor of being your friend.

Enjoy your week my friend
