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Sarah Pritchard

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Have you seen this Viral Ad System?
8/15/2008 6:18:42 AM
Hello, have u seen this?

How Does The Widgeteers Super Viral Ad System Work?

A: The Widgeteers website provides widgets, ad blocks, fly-in ads and exit ads that you can display on your website.

You earn ad credits whenever visitors see a widget (or other ad unit) on your web page, i.e. each time your page loads.

Your ad credits enable your own ad to appear in widgets on the websites of other members in the network. The more ad credits you have, the more often your ad appears in other people’s widgets. Your ad impressions will grow, virally and exponentially.

Also, when anyone you refer to The Widgeteers joins and displays widgets on their web site, you receive additional credits. As others sign up below them, you earn even more credits. This continues for a full ten levels deep, making your ad impressions so viral that they are literally unstoppable.

Because of the viral nature of the system, your ads will soon be displayed on thousands of websites all over the Internet, with very little work on your part.

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