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Fix The Red Ring Of Death
8/7/2008 9:14:53 PM

Hi I am Mike

 I would like to let you all know that the towel trick might work for a short time but if your xbox 360 has the red ring of death or has stop working an you get the E-74 error we are going to show you how to fix it an you can be back playing Xbox Live in less then 1hr

You Ask What is 3 Red Light Error or Red Ring of Death

The power button of your Xbox 360 has 3 Red Lights that forms a 3 quarter circle.

When those 3 Red Lights stops working it means you are struck with the 3 Red Light Error problem or the famous Red ring of death bug.

When it happens your consoles stops working immediately.

The good news is that This bug can be fixed by yourself easily if you can unscrew your Xbox 360 console.

Here are somethings you need to check 1st

Make sure that the AV cable is correctly connected to the Xbox 360 console.

 Disconnect the AV cable from the Xbox 360 console, and then reconnect the AV cable to the Xbox 360 console.

If the four flashing red lights continue to flash, try wiping the metal area of the AV pack with a dry cloth.

The metal area is the end that plugs into the console. Wipe the metal area thoroughly, and then try the AV Pack again. If the AV cable is correctly connected but the four red lights are still flashing, substitute a different AV cable if you have one available.

If that did not fix it then you will need to come to our website to find out more

To Find Out More on how to fix Your Xbox 360 with the red ring of death Rrod  or E-74 Error Come to an we will get you on your way to fixing Your Xbox 360
