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less than 3 days ago our team has grown by over 100 people
8/4/2008 1:56:10 PM

less than 3 days ago our team has grown by over 100 people

Since my last post a little less than 3 days ago our team has grown
by over 100 people! Not bad for a few days.

These results are very consistent with our team’s results over the
past 12 months, but more importantly I want to share with you the
number one secret to home business success.

People throw theories at you and at times it can be very confusing
to know what the truth is and what it isn’t. That’s why this message
is so important.

This information is based on practical information which is working
today in real time as displayed in the results I mentioned to you just
a few seconds ago.

Here is the #1 secret to having home business success!

It’s the SYSTEM!

I’ve been on both sides of this equation. I’ve promoted businesses
that DO NOT have a strong marketing system and I have promoted
businesses that have very strong marketing systems.

Out of these two business models the winner without a question
is the business WITH a high powered system. Here’s why . . .
In order to be successful in your own business you MUST have a
business that is easily duplicable for anyone. Even for people
without experience!

The power of any system lies solely in it’s ability to allow anyone
and everyone to duplicate your results in the least amount of
time possible.

Well, when you are associated with business that does not have
a strong marketing system you have to spend a great deal of time
teaching and training each of your new team members how to make
things work. This equated to a lot of frustration on the new team
members part for having to learn everything from the ground up
and a slow rate of duplication. This is NOT powerful.

With a high powered marketing system in which a new team
member can literally get started marketing the instant they join
and generate success within hours or minutes of joining you have
a highly duplicable system. This equates to a powerful marketing
system which leaves you with the highest probability for success.

You NEED a high powered system if you want to generate success
and results quickly in any business and that’s just the plain and
simple truth in today’s fast paced world.

The marketing system that I hang my hat on. In just a short time and
with the use of this system I’ve been able to generate a nice
income working only part-time. This system has literally changed
my life and it can do the same for you if you let it.

Make sure you look at it again, maybe you missed how simple it
really is or something…
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To your success! Duncan GoMillennium Media inc. Webmaster, Trainer and Business Promoter Vancouver Canada Auckland New Zealand
Nick Sym

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Re: less than 3 days ago our team has grown by over 100 people
8/4/2008 2:42:17 PM
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