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Kathy Hamilton

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8/23/2005 1:09:25 PM
Hello my friends, Managing Conflict Of all the issues that people tend to avoid, managing conflict ranks at the top of the list, along with public speaking and swimming with sharks. Most people see conflict as indicative of a problem. Disagreement feels uncomfortable and threatening. When there's no open conflict we can carry on as though things are all right even if, really, we know they aren't. If you ask people what the purpose of conflict is you'll get all variety of answers: To get your point of view across To win To gain power To let other people know they're wrong To fight for autonomy. Let's face it, most conflict is about winning and losing - getting your way at the expense of someone else. On the other hand, if you're someone who really hates conflict, you might even say that it isn't really necessary because it causes more upset and problems than it solves. However, there is one main reason to engage in conflict, and that's to reach a resolution. Without resolution, conflict merely becomes an opportunity to recycle old arguments, disagreements and opinions: nothing moves forward, feelings get stirred up and reinforced. Managing Conflict can actually be exciting and rewarding. It can be a chance to get to the heart of a problem, rather than only focusing on the surface or obvious issues. Most conflicts have core causes and once those are addressed, conflict becomes an option to choose rather than run away from. Many blessings, kathy martin
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Ana Maria Padurean

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8/23/2005 1:17:12 PM
well said Kathy, I'm glad you posted this! Have a great day, Anamaria
8/23/2005 1:38:14 PM
Great Forum! Something we all need to give serious consideration! Maggie
8/23/2005 1:41:06 PM
This is a very interesting topic for me because I have always faced issues head on and have had to learn that this can be intimidating to others. I don't understand because I don't see conflict as a negative, it can be a constructive way to improve relations. Of course if a person allows the conflict to go on to a point where there is an over abundance of anger then it's challenging but most things in life are misunderstood so by facing things head on this misunderstanding is cleared up, leaving the relationship stronger. My husband hates conflict and I swear that he was attracted to me because he could manipulate me to face his conflict for him. I no longer am willing to do this as I see my "helping" him with this is not helpful at all over the long term. I suppose I see conflict differently than others......for me it is not a negative thing, as I see it, if I didn't care about a person I wouldn't feel the need to face the issue, instead I would feel it wasn't worth the hassle and just walk away. But as well, conflict does not mean a fight, it can be done in a very positive, constructive way. Also to me conflict isn't proving one person right and another wrong, simply that because we all have such different life experiences we all experience things differently therefore something you consider to be nice might trigger me because of something in my past. Neither of us is right or wrong, just uniquely different. Susan Dorey
Susan Dorey
Clay Page

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8/23/2005 1:43:57 PM
Hi Kathy, Great topic. Let's say I'm having a problem with a memeber who is posting negative things about me on a forum, and I don't what to do anything that will cause even more problems, how would I best deal with it, or do I just let it go? Is there a way that I can resolve or promote a better relationship between me and them. Could I contact the forum owner to see if they will provide some help? Once again, a great topic for discussion. Clay

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