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George Graves

107 Posts
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Are you up for the 20 minutes challenge !
6/7/2008 5:13:05 PM
Hi My Family and Friends , George Graves here....... I hope all is well with 
you !

According to Anthony Robbins (The American personal
development guru and lifestyle coach to presidents and
celebrities), the way to get the best health is to find the
healthiest people you can find and ask them what it is they
are doing and thinking to be so healthy and then model them.

The way to make your business fire is to find the best people
in the business world and ask them how they do it and model
them too.

Are you up to a challenge where I can show you how both of
these statements could be fulfilled with 20 minutes of your

20 minutes that will change your life forever.

The best part of all is that you can't lose when you take the
challenge as you will find a life changing solution or two in
just 20 minutes time.

Time is MONEY!

Just how much money?

Well that depends on the decision you make in 20 minutes

You will;

ü Be working with some of top leaders in the industry

ü Be working with an amazing company that is currently in
pre-launch, is financially stable and backed by capital

ü Have a powerhouse category creating product that is 'No
Fee' endorsed by super celebrities.

ü Have all the tools to help you succeed.

ü Have a simple duplicatable process you can model for

ü Have all the training that you need provided FREE.

ü Have a quality team to help you right away that you can
model for success.

Below I will present a video that will have you saying YES, I
could use that amazing product.

A product that is;

ü Revolutionary

ü Could improve your health in several ways

ü Could save you money

ü Could replace what you currently use in one simple product

And at the same time it will have you saying "I know people
who could do the same", which could turn into a fantastic

It really is that easy.

I am issuing you a challenge right now if you are up to it?

All I want you to do is focus on the video presentation
presented below.

Listen to the lady talk about the amazing product and

At the end of the 18 minute video I am going to ask you 2
simple questions that will take you less than 2 minutes to

"Take the 20 minute Challenge?"

Go to:

When you finish watching this presentation – ask yourself
these 2 questions:

1. Could I use that Product?

2. Do I know anyone that could use that product?

If you say YES to either question, go to and join today.

Let me know if you need any assistance or have any

Kind regards George Graves
call me:626 242-4382

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