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Build a business the unselfish way!!
6/5/2008 7:07:16 PM
We Don't Stop Advertising Until You Have 4 Personals!

Tired of constantly having to replace
members who quit your team?

NOBODY leaves our "Unselfish Wealth" team...

Because on our "Unselfish Wealth" team,
we don't advertise OUR signup links...

We advertise YOUR signup links until you have 4 personals...
Then we advertise for THEM!

For example I joined through my friend Tim Mcgaffin
and then I was given to someone named Joel Hill
as one of his 4 personal referrals within
Tim's matrix.

I have no idea who Joel Hill is, but I was given to
him as one of his 4 personal referrals.

So if I recruited 100 people only 4 are going
to be personally sponsored by me and the other
96 are going to be given to others in my matrix
until they all have their 4 and so on.

It's f'ree to lock in your position:

Watch the videos on the first page and in your
back office and see what you think.

Best regards,
Mike Heid


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